View Full Version : Are there companies that will make a profile cutter for a 1/2" spindle shaper?

henry blint
08-14-2014, 11:00 AM
I am hoping to match the door trim in our house. I have a little 1/2" spindle shaper from the 1930s. Are there companies that will create a spindle cutterhead with a profile that matches a particular profile? It has a flute, a straight section, and then a gradual, shallow ogee. That's the hard part. I could almost achieve the profile with several cutters stacked, except for that ogee.

Mel Fulks
08-14-2014, 11:07 AM
Those used steel cutters and they come up for sale cheap. You might be able to grind and alter one. If you do buy something ,I would make it a high speed steel router bit custom made by Woodworkers Tool Works.

Tom Walz
08-14-2014, 11:42 AM
We supply custom bits.

No charge for a quote. We do need more than just a description.

Actually this is pretty common in historic restoration.

You might see what you can do with successive passes of different cutters first.

Carbide Processors
800 346-8274

David Kumm
08-14-2014, 1:31 PM
Just be sure the shaper can handle the weight. The reason for a 1/2" spindle is to keep the cutters small enough for the machine to handle. Dave

Peter Quinn
08-14-2014, 8:33 PM
Have you tried Carrob Cutters? I think they sell 1/2" bore HSS cutters, may be able to do custom. Best to get a drawing together to get bids. Most sash profiles are well within the range of a 1/2" shaper if the rabbit is done separately.