View Full Version : Plans and Ideas - FREE!

Kevin Gerstenecker
05-25-2003, 7:44 AM
In searching the 'Net last evening, I came across a great site with a ton of plans and ideas, many of which are free. The site will link you with the original source of the article. This may not be news to some, but I had never run across this site before. There are also plans that can be purchased, and the plans are indexed nicely too. I just thought it may be helpful to some of our members..........lots of great ideas for SHOP TIME! Here is the link to the site:


Take a look when you get some time.........I liked it! :D

Mike Leonard
05-25-2003, 8:23 AM
Thanks Kevin. Definitly some good stuff there. Seems like my project list just keeps getting longer and longer.

Ken Salisbury
05-25-2003, 8:29 AM

That was a great find. I took a very brief look when I read your post. It looks like it deserves some delving into to see what the quality, etc is of the plans that are available there. I plan on doing just that when I have a little more time. Thanks for posting the link.

Christian Aufreiter
05-25-2003, 9:58 AM
Hi Kevin,

thanks for the great link!
Already found a couple of helpful ideas for my never ending list!



Von Bickley
05-25-2003, 5:52 PM

Thanks for the link. I looked at the site and decided I would go back when I had more time. Thanks for sharing it with us.

Dave Avery
05-25-2003, 6:54 PM
Thanks Kevin,

Who'da thought that Popular Mechanics would have such neat plans.... $12 for 12 issues seems like quite a bargain, too.

Glenn Clabo
05-26-2003, 7:48 AM
Thanks...I was cruising the net looking for plans and never ran across this one.

Here's another... Free Plans (http://www.woodworkersworkshop.com/resources/index.php?cat=102)

05-26-2003, 9:24 PM
I found that one awhile back and here is another one that I also refer to often.
