View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments

Dennis Peacock
08-11-2014, 7:03 AM
11 Aug 2014

Good Morning Everyone,
The construction project continues and I've started on the interior trim work now. My hopes is that we will be done in the next 3 weeks....I hope. I start oncall for the day job this morning and I'm trying to balance way too many things at once but I'm taking it just one day at a time.

Sooner or later, pics will be posted.

That's it for me, so what did YOU do this past weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.

Charles Taylor
08-11-2014, 9:46 AM
I made drawers for the shop cabinets I began building recently. I used birch plywood and a lock miter bit to join the corners. Tearout was something to be expected, as previous threads like this one -- http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?68368-Lock-Miter-Plywood-Drawer-Experiment -- will attest, but I was surprised and frustrated at how badly some of my panels got chewed up. Scoring with a utility knife didn't help much. Burying the bit in a sacrificial fence helped a lot, but if I use this bit again for plywood drawers, I'll have to keep looking for ways to improve the results.

Mike Ontko
08-11-2014, 10:38 AM
Celebrated my mother-in-law's 75th birthday this weekend, having my wife's family make the drive from Seattle up to our place near the US-Canadian border. We're full into the warmer and sunnier part of our summer now, and the temperatures managed to make it to 84F...right before the air conditioner heat exchange unit gave out. I'm not sure yet whether it's just the cooling fan circuit or the compressor but either way the timing couldn't have been worse. And today it's supposed to reach close to 90F!. Might be a good time to take up scuba diving.

Doug Richardson
08-11-2014, 12:37 PM
What started out to be a simple replace an old basement window with a glass block window, turned out to be a major project. Had to remove the original concrete on top of the block and replace it with new, to "lower" the sill on the inside. I think the masonry man must have been German, because everything in this house is a "press fit", and glass blocks don't squeeze very well..... ;-)

Waiting for the concrete to dry to finish the project.....

Mike Olson
08-11-2014, 12:48 PM
finished up the tile work in my shower stall. Just have to polish off the grout cloud after work today and I can install the handles and try it out. I am really tired of tile work. I hope I never have to do any again...
ps, for anyone else doing a first time tile job make sure you match the grout to the color of the tile as much as possible. you want the grout to hide your screw ups, not show them off with an accent color.

I am also working on plans for my next WW project.

Jim Becker
08-12-2014, 12:04 PM
I completed the carcass and lid for my current tack trunk commission this weekend and started on the dolly. I still need to construct the lower drawer unit. I'm way behind on this project due to a couple large trees coming down in storms and losing a weekend dealing with that. Other than that, had a nice pony ride on Saturday morning and mowed the lawn.

Ralph Butts
08-12-2014, 1:03 PM
I am a week removed from knee surgery so I have been slowed down recently. I did make it to the shop on Sunday however (to avoid going crazy) and was able to make some progress on some drawers and slides for my NYWS inspired mitre bench and storage.


Garth Almgren
08-12-2014, 2:10 PM
Complete with RAS at the end, just like Norm. Looking good Ralph!

Ralph Butts
08-12-2014, 2:18 PM
Complete with RAS at the end, just like Norm. Looking good Ralph!

LOL I just caught that myself. The plan is to remove the stand and mount it between another cabinet still to be constructed on the far side of that RAS.