View Full Version : Purple BEB

Toby Bouder
08-08-2014, 9:05 PM
I used this box elder burl as a test piece to try out the color. I like the color but decided not to use it on the pieces the test was for. This bowl is 6 inches by 2.5 inches and is finished with lacquer and then buffed. C&C welcome.

Bob Bergstrom
08-08-2014, 11:01 PM
Might try sanding the purple back till it is about 85% gone and then apply a lighter color over it. The purple will provide a shadow effect. Yellow may turn it more green. Red will do ok. Blue and the brown may get interesting , but many here wood have just left the burl do the talking and left natural

Bill White
08-10-2014, 6:21 PM
Well, whasamatta with the purple as is? I think it's kinda good and different.
If ya don't want it..................
Want my address? :)

Toby Bouder
08-10-2014, 7:40 PM
Hmm, I guess I didn't convey my thoughts well. I do like the bowl and the color, I just didn't think the purple would work well on these pieces: