View Full Version : 2 for 1 Raffle Donation 2014 SWAT

Scott Hackler
08-07-2014, 11:29 PM
I was asked to donate a piece for the 2 for 1 raffle down at SWAT this year. It took me a while but here is the end result.

Big leaf maple, 4" wide x 3" tall, tung oil finish

Come on down and you'll have a chance to win this and/or a bunch of great turnings and prizes.

Comments always encouraged, thanks.


Rex Guinn
08-08-2014, 7:33 AM
That's really cool, I can see why it tool a a while.

Paul Gilbert
08-08-2014, 11:34 AM
I'll buy some tickets. I also intend to win the AB lathe this year.

Jon Nuckles
08-08-2014, 12:03 PM
That's a generous gift of your time, Scott. At least one ticket buyer will go home happy.

Robert Speier
08-08-2014, 8:58 PM
Very well done Scott, awesome piece

Scott Hackler
08-08-2014, 9:49 PM
Thanks for the comments fellas.

Shawn Pachlhofer
08-11-2014, 10:24 AM
I'll buy some tickets. I also intend to win the AB lathe this year.
I thought I saw that the "big lathe" donation was a Stubby this year, not a Robust.

either way - I'll be winning it.


John RStegall
08-11-2014, 2:55 PM
Good to hear all of you guys plan to win. That means you will be needing tickets...look for the old guy with a shaved head selling them if you do not already have some.


Shawn Pachlhofer
08-11-2014, 3:20 PM
Good to hear all of you guys plan to win. That means you will be needing tickets...look for the old guy with a shaved head selling them if you do not already have some.


Bald old guy - describes 50% of SWAT attendees.


ray hampton
08-11-2014, 4:12 PM
is swat a division of the police dept.

Scott Hackler
08-11-2014, 4:31 PM
South West Area Turners. They put on the second largest woodturning symposium each year in August, in Waco TX. It is a fantastic time and I will be there hob knobbing, buying more stuff and doing a couple demos. Come on down! :)

Faust M. Ruggiero
08-11-2014, 6:23 PM
Another neat pierced piece Scott. Long way for me to attend but if you tell me how to buy raffle tickets I will lend my support, and have a chance to win a Scott Hackler for my mantle.

Scott Hackler
08-11-2014, 8:25 PM
Thanks for the thought of support Faust. Unfortunately they only sell the raffle tickets on sight and its a "must be present" to win situation. Makes for a heck of a raffle with all the turnings, tools and lathes they give away.

You'll be close to the national AAW Symposium, when it's in Pittsburg! Don't think I will make that one, but I guess I should never say never.

Paul Gilbert
08-12-2014, 9:26 AM
Bald old guy - describes 50% of SWAT attendees.

I refer to the SWAT attendees as the "over" bunch. 80% of the bunch are over 60, over weight, wearing a comb over or just plain bald.

Kelvin Burton
08-12-2014, 2:04 PM
Bald old guy - describes 50% of SWAT attendees.


I resemble that remark! :D

ray hampton
08-12-2014, 3:23 PM
I resemble that remark! :D

how can you resemble that remark ?