View Full Version : My collection

Tom Bussey
08-05-2014, 8:30 PM
I just thoughtI would share the start of my collection. It is a collection of Keen Kutter K series planes. I think they are the best deal going. I now have all the sizes but all it will take to finish the collection is money.

Anyway here are my first three, a #2, a#3, and a# 4

294261 294262 294263

The 3 and 4 have new Bolivian rosewood knobs and totes. I have been meaning to do a new wood for the K2 I just haven't gotten to it yet. They were reground flat and true before I sent them out to be engraved.

I hope you injoy seeing them.

Patrick McCarthy
08-05-2014, 8:38 PM
Tom, very nice . . . . but are these users ???

Stew Denton
08-05-2014, 8:50 PM

Wow, pretty cool! The new rosewood tote and knob are spectacular.


Jim Koepke
08-05-2014, 9:28 PM
Some great looking planes.

I think they would distract me from getting any work done with them.


Daniel Rode
08-05-2014, 9:29 PM
The engraving on the sides looks great. Did you add it or buy them that way?

Tom Bussey
08-06-2014, 9:28 AM
I had a woman in New York named Catharine Kennedy do the engraving. I did the rest. And while I was turning the knobs I found out I am allergic to Bolivian Rose Wood. And then I found out that Bolivian Rose Wood is a look alike and not a true rose wood. I do have the rest of the totes made though. I just have to get my wife to sand them. Turning will have to be left to someone else.

And to answer the other question, no it is a collection and I do not do any work with them. I have other restored and reground Keen Kuter K series planes to do that task.

Marty Gulseth
08-06-2014, 10:49 AM
Those are SWEET!

Regards, Marty

robert dankert
08-07-2014, 6:41 PM
don't forget this one;)


Tom Bussey
08-08-2014, 9:07 PM
don't forget this one;) A scrub plane never even intered my head. Now I havemore problems beside finding money. That is unless you are interested in a trade for something.

Tom Bussey
08-08-2014, 9:13 PM
don't forget this one;) A scrub plane never even intered my head. Now I havemore problems beside finding money. That is unless you are interested in a trade for something

Shawn Pixley
08-08-2014, 9:17 PM

george wilson
08-09-2014, 9:15 AM
They look very nice,but,could you post more pictures showing straight side shots,and closer up? I can't make out the details of the engraving. Also,are the cap irons engraved? Let's see them,too!!

Jim Belair
08-09-2014, 1:16 PM
Some great looking planes.

I think they would distract me from getting any work done with them.


I know of a guy who could machine all those curly scratches off the sides. :rolleyes:

Seriously, a nice set.

robert dankert
08-09-2014, 7:09 PM
don't forget this one;) A scrub plane never even intered my head. Now I havemore problems beside finding money. That is unless you are interested in a trade for something.

My uncle gave it to me a few years ago. He was a hero to me. WWII tail gunner with 66 missions over europe and a life long woodworker. Anyway, this will stay in the family.

I've seen a lot of planes on ebay and other sites, but never a k 240. I'd bet other folks here more experienced than I have seen them though. Maybe someone can help you find one.

You have a great start and I wish you success with your endeavor.

Winton Applegate
08-09-2014, 9:19 PM
Yes !
I did enjoy seeing your planes. Thank you.
I am looking at them on an iPad rather than the desk top so I didn't expand the photos until you mentioned engraving.
I am glad you said that else I may have missed out.
You made my day ! They have a nice old look to them and I am a metal head so I enjoy sutle but well done engraving like that.
Thanks again Tom.