View Full Version : Paul Sellers - New Masterclasses Free Video on Edge Jointing released

Simon MacGowen
08-05-2014, 11:59 AM
I am not a subscriber of Paul's online classes and therefore am not sure what he teaches and shares with the paid up members. But from his limited, free Masterclasses videos (not his Youtube videos), I can tell he covers many important topics that many other on-line teachers such as Rob Cosman have done.

If you have difficulty doing edge jointing -- like many of my students did when they showed up -- you may find his latest free video helpful. One main difference between him and others is that he tells you where you should put your fingers or hand and what not and why, instead of just saying "take out the high spots..." Taking out a high spot is natural for many of us when we have learned how to do so, but how is what a student wants to know. Paul addresses the why pretty well in many of his videos.

I know some people go nuts trying to get an edge square to the face, or handplaning a board flat. I know of a guitar maker and he said he could work with curves, no matter how complicated they are. But he said getting a long and wide stock straight, square, true and out of wind is a different story; he relies on his power jointer and thickness planer all the time.


Jim Koepke
08-05-2014, 1:51 PM

Can you provide a link for this?

I have tried to find it on the site but can only find comments on two different edge joining videos, not the videos.


Daniel Rode
08-05-2014, 2:00 PM
I think the videos are:

http://woodworkingmasterclasses.com/2014/05/edge-jointing/ and

Jim Koepke
08-05-2014, 2:26 PM
Thanks Daniel.

I guess one can only see the video if they have an account and log in.

It seems every time one of these accounts is set up my daily email goes up with more offers to 'come on in.'


Daniel Rode
08-05-2014, 2:30 PM
I don't get any email from him unless he has a new video available, so it's pretty safe from that standpoint.

Thanks Daniel.

I guess one can only see the video if they have an account and log in.

It seems every time one of these accounts is set up my daily email goes up with more offers to 'come on in.'


Simon MacGowen
08-05-2014, 2:47 PM
Yes, the only price to view any of his free Masterclasses videos is an account which is also free to set up and use, same thing as SMC which requires a registration to see some of the contents (pictures posted). There are about 10 to 12 such free vids from him (not sure about the actual #). One can still watch his other (non-Masterclasses) videos on youtube without signing up.

No email from his website, unless it is an announcement that he has released a free video (about once or twice a month). If the situation changes, I can always unsubscribe; I always use a gmail or a public mail account for stuff like that. Hotmail is also good in keeping spam from reaching you. Actually his emails go to my junk folder by default due to the email screening program.

His site, btw, has no commercial sponsorship and that is refreshing (or dry, depending on your perspective) in today's cyberworld.
