View Full Version : Teaching Grandson & What Tenon Saw

Jim Koepke
08-01-2014, 10:55 PM
Some of our grandkids have been visiting from California.

Mike is our oldest grandson, 12, and is taking some interest in woodworking. He kind of likes carving and really likes the lathe.


We were making a new wacker for my froe.


After its quality control testing the tenon was cut off of the end so it could be stood up on end.

Funny thing came to mind while getting the firewood log ready for the lathe.

All the posts when someone wonders what kind of tenon saw they should purchase.

Well that really depends on what you are going to do with it.

Here is me with my Stihl tenon saw:


Likely not what one would want to use for a book shelf tenon.


Stew Denton
08-02-2014, 11:09 AM
Hi Jim,

Nice to see your grandson picking up some woodworking skills and with good interest. I hope my own grandsons, at least one of them, will also pick up the interest. Its neat to see the grandparents being part of the grandkids lives.

Helping my grandkids pick up the interest, maybe some basic skills, and just plain playing with them and being "grandpa" to them is important to me, as I want to be part of their lives, and pray for all of them almost every day.

I don't really know if them picking up woodworking or some carpentry skills is all that important, but it is part of our families history and heritage, and having trades and skills is also part of the family history of both of my Son in laws families.


Winton Applegate
08-03-2014, 1:21 AM
Lucky kids to have you !
I only met my Dad's Dad. I never spent much time with him and never knew my other grand parents.
Maybe that's what's wrong with me. :o