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Vaughn McMillan
07-05-2005, 3:40 AM
LOML and I bought our current house last fall, so this was the first 4th of July we'd spent here. We were pleasantly surprised tonight to learn that our back yard has a great view of all the local fireworks.

The house is on a hill overlooking the west end of the Crescenta Valley, and we are a few hundred yards around the corner from the Angeles National Forest...literally the edge of Los Angeles. Our little neck of the big city has a real small town feel, and it's easy to forget you're in Los Angeles. As it turns out, our back yard overlooks a high school about half a mile away, and that's where the local Kiwanis Club puts on the annual fireworks show. Between what they were shooting, and all the idiots shooting big mortars and rockets from their houses (highly illegal and dangerous here), we had an excellent show on a beautiful evening.

Any of you other Creekers see any bombs bursting in air?

- Vaughn

John Hart
07-05-2005, 7:33 AM
Every 4th of July, we've made it a tradition to go to a drive-in movie. The drive-in is nested in the middle of several small communities that all have their fireworks displays...so it gets dark...the movie starts and we have fireworks to watch 360 degrees around the car.

We intend to continue doing this as long as there is a drive-in to go to. We went to see Disney's latest Herbie movie last night. Fireworks were great.

Keith Starosta
07-05-2005, 8:10 AM
We had, for a few minutes anyway, talked about taking the kids into town for the "big" fireworks show last night. Yesterday afternoon, we had to go to Lowe's and the grocery store, and that trip took us right through the staging area downtown. This was around 4PM. There were, oh....about a BILLION people milling around, so that idea got scraped pretty quickly. Cut to last night, my son and I are in front of the house lighting some sparklers when we hear a big *BOOM* off in the distance. We ran in the house, went up to the guest room, and there it was...a perfect view of the whole show, from the comfy confines of my own house.

Gotta like that..... :D ;)


Tom Mullane
07-05-2005, 8:21 AM
We are also lucky that the view from our backyard allows us to see the fireworks from 3 surrounding communities. We don't get all the boom and racket, but the light show is magnificent... One of the perks of living on a farm with a lot of open field and not a lot of tree cover...

Carl Eyman
07-05-2005, 8:49 AM
By simply moving 2 lawn chairs to the front of our parking area we get what may be the best seats in town for our local fireworks display. It was not quite as elaborate this year as in the past, but still enjoyable. Can't beat the conveinence.

Ken Fitzgerald
07-05-2005, 9:46 AM
My In-Laws are here on vacation. They are in their mid-80s and didn't want to attend fireworks shows. However, on Sunday night and again last night the "neighbors" provided fireworks displays and accompanying noises. This morning I'll go pickup the residual rocket parts in the front and back yards. I hope none of the hot residue hit the rubber roof on our 5th wheel trailer!

Dennis Peacock
07-05-2005, 9:53 AM

My only real problem with the 4th of July and fireworks?

I'm no longer certified to handle the "big stuff" any more.!!!! :(
I used to handle the largest fireworks in the world. It all belonged to the U.S. Air Force and U.S. Army!!!! ;) :D :D BIG booms with LOTS of noise!! :D Uh, slightly illegal for your local neighborhood use though. :rolleyes: ;)

Curt Harms
07-05-2005, 12:47 PM
I'm no longer certified to handle the "big stuff" any more.!!!! :(
I used to handle the largest fireworks in the world. It all belonged to the U.S. Air Force and U.S. Army!!!! ;) :D :D BIG booms with LOTS of noise!! :D Uh, slightly illegal for your local neighborhood use though. :rolleyes: ;)[/QUOTE]


I thought about You when I was at the U.S. Army ordnance museum in Aberdeen MD. a couple weeks ago. There was a small display on EOD (explosive ordnance disposal) with a great quote. Something like "It's the greatest job in the world! Nobody looking over your shoulder, Nobody wanting your job" :D Left me chuckling the rest of the day.


Lee DeRaud
07-05-2005, 1:30 PM
I thought about You when I was at the U.S. Army ordnance museum in Aberdeen MD. a couple weeks ago. There was a small display on EOD (explosive ordnance disposal) with a great quote. Something like "It's the greatest job in the world! Nobody looking over your shoulder, Nobody wanting your job" :D Left me chuckling the rest of the day.I always liked the EOD T-shirt:
In big letters: "BOMB DISPOSAL EXPERT"
In tiny letters: "If you see me running, try to keep up."

Jim Barrett
07-05-2005, 4:39 PM
As far as I am concerned the best part of the 4th of July holiday is July 5th:rolleyes:

Michael Perata
07-05-2005, 5:33 PM
As far as I am concerned the best part of the 4th of July holiday is July 5th:rolleyes:
I spent last night with my garden hose at ready 'cuz the "neighbors" across the creek were trying shoot their bottle rockets and other ordinance into the creek. :mad:

Dry grass back there is only about 18' so the fire wouldn't have been TOO big. :o

Chris Padilla
07-05-2005, 6:32 PM
Mike, that garden hose wouldn't have helped too much.

In our little neighborhood, at the end of the parade, the local firehouse parks in one corner of the park and starts up their very powerful mounted water cannon/gun. Man, that thing packs a punch and can shoot some serious water far, and for what seemed like a solid 15 minutes. We were all drenched but it was all in good fun. However, I bet they had it at like 1/4 power...it was still impressive!

Scott Parks
07-06-2005, 1:54 AM
Went on a two hour flight last night just after dark. During climout we saw hundreds of fireworks. Saw a lot more over every city enroute. You could see them from over 100 miles away. On arrival, there were flashes and fireworks everywhere. Incredible views!

Keith Starosta
07-06-2005, 8:23 AM
I always liked the EOD T-shirt:
In big letters: "BOMB DISPOSAL EXPERT"
In tiny letters: "If you see me running, try to keep up."

LOL!! Lee, I have that t-shirt, which I always like to wear to the NASCAR events. Can't tell you how many times people have stopped me to take a picture of the back of my shirt! :D It's always good for a laugh...
