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View Full Version : Input on this B&D Radial arm saw?

Mark Bolton
07-24-2014, 11:36 AM
A buddy of mine sent me this photo (not his saw) and I have no model number or specifics on this and havent even seen it in person but it looks to be in good shape. The price seems very high to me but wondering if you guys may give me some input. I dont necessarily have a need but if the price was right Id probably snatch it up. PS, reasonable price is what Im after :-)


Matt Day
07-24-2014, 11:57 AM
That's the one I have, model 7790 if I recall correctly. I paid $110 for mine a few years ago. The 7790 is one of the better RAS's before B&D made some big changes to the Dewalt design.

Mark Bolton
07-24-2014, 12:03 PM
Thanks Matt... that was my thought. I always see these on the net (never in my area) usually 200 is the tops depending on condition... the number I got is substantially more than that. So much so that Im not sure I could even get close to the 200 number.. but maybe Ill stop and look at it and toss out a number. Its very close to me so not a special trip.

Thanks a bunch

Matt Day
07-24-2014, 12:49 PM
Glad I could help! I would pass at anything over $150, based on the number of RAS's that are available in my area - yours may vary. Remember you'll likely need a new blade and a new table.

Mark Bolton
07-24-2014, 12:57 PM
I dont think it will happen but who knows. Im not worried about the accessories as they will be needed regardless but decent machinery is just never available in my area. This is literally the only thing Ive ever come across in several years. For that reason I suppose I could bump my offer slightly because virtually anything I would find may involve a couple hours drive which (being in business for myself) I would value at 60-70 dollars an hour. This saw is actually located at a company I drive by daily.

Like I said I have no idea but I am guessing even if I was generous and allow a couple hours for travel time I doubt they are going to come down as much as they'd have to but we will see.

I dont really have the need and I am not sure I want to take up the space, but there have been several times where I could have used a saw like this should one land in my shop for reasonable money...

07-24-2014, 1:33 PM
Interesting you mention the dearth of good, affordable equipment in your area. I just sold a small sandblaster to a guy from West Virginnie who comes on a tool buying spree down here in Fl. because he can get it cheap and make money on the resell back home. In any event, here is a worst- case scenario of a DeWalt restoration (http://people.delphiforums.com/perristalsis/MBF_%20Saw_Restoration/DeWalt_MBF_Saw_Restoration.htm), just to give you an idea that it is possible to bring 'em back from the grave.

Rich Riddle
07-24-2014, 2:14 PM
I drive through West Virginia numerous times a year but didn't realize the price of machines cost more than here. In the Northern Kentucky and Cincinnati area that would not merit much more than $200, if that. Same thing where I go in Virginia. Of course if you're to planning on traveling here or there, the travel adds considerable expense to your purchase.

Rick Potter
07-24-2014, 2:46 PM
I had a model 1500 that looked just like that. It was a 12" saw, which I paid $40 for. Decided not to use it, and sold it for $50 last year. It ran good but needed a table, and a good clean up. I believe they had a 1400 that looked like it but was a 10" saw.

Perhaps Hank can correct me if I am mistaken about the 1400.

Rick Potter

Mark Bolton
07-24-2014, 4:37 PM
Absolutely this is a very cheap saw... this was why I was getting a kick out of the ad. Im not sure that equipment costs any more here I think its just that this guy thinks he has more than he does LOL.

I have personally never seen an RAS in this class listed for more than the low 100's at best.

It is rare (and for me its never happened) to see any even semi professional, forget about industrial, wood working tools in this state on craigslist or even woodwebs machinery exchange for that matter. It just doesnt often exist here. Thats the only reason on the rare occasions I do see something that may peak my interest I am willing to consider the fact that there is no travel or freight involved. Most all of my used equipment has been bought from long distances and other than photos its sight unseen.

One of the drawbacks to this state I guess but given the recent real estate threads Im ok with it ;-)

07-24-2014, 5:51 PM
I had a model 1500 that looked just like that. It was a 12" saw, which I paid $40 for. Decided not to use it, and sold it for $50 last year. It ran good but needed a table, and a good clean up. I believe they had a 1400 that looked like it but was a 10" saw.

Perhaps Hank can correct me if I am mistaken about the 1400.

Rick Potter

You're good with that statement Rick. A 1400 is my daily driver and I've never found a need to go bigger, but have gone smaller- i.e. an 8- 9" blade does everything I put to it.