View Full Version : Delta Drum Sander Shaft Repair

John TenEyck
07-22-2014, 8:45 PM
A few weeks ago I asked for advise on how to repair some shaft damage on my Delta drum sander. I took the advise of those who said to take it to a machine shop. Today I got it back. Here's what it looks like after their repair work.


Sorry, no before pictures. The damaged area was the middle third of the larger diameter section. The set screws on the bearing had come loose and cut a groove into the shaft. Additionally, the shaft itself had worn down under the bearing. To affect the repair the machine shop first turned down the damaged area to get to fresh metal, then laid weld into it until they had built it up enough to machine back down. Took them about an hour I was told - cost $75.

Here it is back in the machine, facing the other direction. I made sure to use thread locker on all the set screws.


And all done.


Initially, I had the belt on too tight, and it made quite a clacking sound. After I got that adjusted properly it ran smoother than when I first got it. I bought it used. Anyway, no vibration starting, running, or spinning down, and it sands beautifully. I'm a happy guy.


Michael Stockdale
07-22-2014, 9:25 PM
I love a happy ending! Congratulations on a successful repair!

Raymond Fries
07-22-2014, 9:58 PM
+1 to congratulations. Glad you have it back in service. I have the same machine. Think I will check out those setscrews on mine.

Bruce Page
07-22-2014, 11:58 PM
Nice save at a good price!

John TenEyck
07-23-2014, 10:38 AM
+1 to congratulations. Glad you have it back in service. I have the same machine. Think I will check out those setscrews on mine.


Yeah, I think that's a good idea. Actually, a good idea for anyone who has a drum sander of any type.
