View Full Version : cabinet scraper exchange

Thomas Prondzinski
05-24-2003, 8:20 AM
I have a dull cabinet scraper I wish to trade for a sharp one. Sounds like a good progarm to me.Any thoughts on how to get a sharp one?

Thanks Tom

John Wadsworth
05-24-2003, 8:55 AM

Honing and burnishing a cabinet scraper is actually fairly simple, but the routine has to be learned. A good site may be found at


Good luck,


David Rose
05-25-2003, 12:25 AM
that you didn't really need to hone a scraper edge unless scraping finish, I was frustrated by my scrapers. Skipping the honing (going straight from file to burnisher) keeps down the likelihood of getting the edge out of square. I can make a scraper cut well *every time* with this process. If you want a nice glassy smooth cut, you'll need to hone though. By the time the file marks are gone, I often have a slight radius on the edge. Slight in this case is too much. Draw filing instead of "stroke" filing helps.
