View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments

Dennis Peacock
07-21-2014, 8:47 AM
21 July 2014

Good Morning Everyone,
It has been really busy around my house for the past week. Drywall was hung on Saturday and the drywall finishing crew is supposed to show up today to start the mud and tape of the drywall. We are now gearing up for paint and trim but I've still got a few things to finish up on the outside before I can start concentrating on the inside stuff. Today, I order gutters and down spouts as well as the garage doors, openers, and wireless internet gateway for the garage doors. As it stands right now, the power cut-over is scheduled to happen tomorrow. It was supposed to happen last week but the power company pushed me from the 16th to the 17th and then they pushed me to 22nd. I'm getting pushed out due to the severe weather that went through earlier this year taking out many customers and homes and they've been really busy rerunning primary lines and restoring service to homes that have been without power. I truly understand getting pushed out further because of this. My brick guy did not show up this weekend, so I'm hoping that the brick will get done this week as well so I can mark off one more thing that is waiting to be done.

That's it for me, so what did YOU do this past weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.

Shawn Pixley
07-21-2014, 11:41 AM
Low key weekend here. Saturday the dogs had a long walk and then we took one with us to a restaurant that is dog friendly. Pi (the dog who is deaf) loved it as did we. That afternoon, we had the oddest thing, rain. Admittedly, it was a light sprinkle but it was the first rain I have experienced in the last 18 months. I was traveling during the two storms this year.

Sunday was dog walk, pay bills, cleaning, and cooking. I cooked up a couple of nice asparagas & bacon quiches. One to be eaten immediately, the other frozen for later.

Doug Richardson
07-21-2014, 11:55 AM
Spent my non-business time Saturday modifying my router table to put a dust collection box on it, and then spent Sunday routing parts from cellular pvc for the front entrance of the house. Then took advantage of the miter saw being set up, and sawed up all of the scrap wood into manageable sizes for the trash man on Monday.....

Raymond Fries
07-21-2014, 3:12 PM
Finished staining the front of my house. Whew - glad that is done for some years. My house was built in the late 80's when it was stylish to vinyl three sides and cedar for the front.
Think I finally got my parrot to shake hands. If he would only talk now...
Bought the remaining wood needed for my drill press cabinet project and got to work on it for a while.

Garth Almgren
07-22-2014, 12:32 AM
Opened up my recently acquired DW735 to clean it and check the knives. I was lucky - the 1st side was nicked up pretty badly, but the 2nd side was brand new. Score! Cleaned up the bed and waxed it, and blew out the cobwebs. I think they must have left it out in the rain once or twice - the 4 screws that hold on the top cover have some light surface rust, and one corner of the aluminum base had a little corrosion that caused a few square inches of the silver paint to flake off. No big deal really. The rollers are in great shape and it cut a test 2x4 glass smooth with no discernible snipe, though it was just a short (2') piece.

Cut all the components of a torsion box tabletop for my wife's craft room to their final dimensions, and glued down one long side of the grid to the 1/4" ply skin to use as a reference for the rest of the grid. Realized I need more clamps. :D I still need to notch and assemble the remaining grid pieces before I glue and brad them down, but that'll have to wait for next weekend.

Jim Becker
07-22-2014, 9:41 PM
Completed the carcass for my current tack trunk commission...this one is slightly more labor intensive because it will occasionally be mobile, rather than be 100% tack room furniture. That meant adding some reinforcement at the joints and a careful internal build. Once that was constructed, I sprayed dye to color the "field" of the trunk prior to next steps. For cost control, the carcass is made with nice, but very "white" birch sheet goods and I needed to change that prior to moving on to the walnut trim. I will likely get this work done on the coming weekend so I can start on the separate dolly and the drawer base unit. (assuming I get the additional non-refundable deposit from the buyer for the drawer unit before then--it was an add-on after the initial deal was struck)