View Full Version : Help ID a saw

Dave Lehnert
07-17-2014, 11:30 PM
Not an old tool. Found it at a closeout store. $3.99 so had to pick it up. No packaging. Typical import saw.
What type of saw is this used for? I,m guessing some type of floor saw???? Not a flush cut saw as the teeth are set. Teeth on each side.
That is a AA battery above the saw to show size.


Karl Andersson
07-18-2014, 8:38 AM
That's a doorjamb saw, used to raise the bottom end of doorjambs and casing when you're installing new overlaid flooring on top of your old floor without removing the door trim- like a big flush-cut saw. The resulting hole allows the new flooring to extend under the trim. Some geniuses also use them when installing wall-to-wall carpet so when you remove it, you have to stick little shaped blocks under the ends of all the trim or look at little holes. The quality of the teeth can be really awful and the discount store types with really chew up the trim ends.

Oh- in case it isn't obvious, you slide the saw on top of a block of wood the same thickness as the new floor- so it is set on both sides, not meant to slide on the floor

Dave Lehnert
07-18-2014, 10:09 PM
Thanks for the info.