View Full Version : Under Deck Enclosure or Lattice?

Rich Riddle
07-13-2014, 8:44 PM
We are building a deck in an area will high winds occur on a regular basis. The deck is on irregular terrain and in some spans it sits much higher off the ground than in other areas. The deck has been built incorporating hurricane straps into the design. The underside of the deck will be "enclosed" for aesthetic reasons but I am wondering if it's better to use lattice work or if it's better to use a method similar to a "wood fencing" look under the deck. What say you learned individuals. All your insights and wisdom is greatly appreciated.


Jim Matthews
07-13-2014, 8:54 PM
If you leave an opening larger than a quarter, you'll build a Critter Condo.

I would lay in fine Chicken wire (buried and bent into an L section) first,
and lattice tacked on over it. I was taught to leave ventilation beneath
decks so that they can dry out, where they're exposed.

I dunno what the skunk population is like where you live,
but I grew up just North of the Ohio river, and they seemed
to really like living below decks.

Jack Jackson
07-13-2014, 9:01 PM
I'd go for some sort of garden fabric to keep stuff from growing under it then use the chicken wire like Jim described behind the lattice so that takes care of vegetation and critters. But yeah, I don't think I would completely enclose it.

Rich Riddle
07-13-2014, 9:23 PM
You can't tell from the photo but there is a layer of fabric and most has gravel on it. There are problems with skunks as they lived under our other recently demolished deck. Can one make lattice "doors" so that it's easy to access under the deck if needed?

Mel Fulks
07-13-2014, 9:44 PM
I like lattice for most traditional design houses. It doesn't have to be the flimsy stuff sold ready made. My own is going to
get some thicker lattice with 1/8 inch rat wire mesh ,sprayed black, and stapled to the in side.