View Full Version : lighting/diffuser question

Russ Ambrose
07-11-2014, 9:58 AM
am planning the lighting for my new shop (24x30 with 10 ft sidewalls) and have a couple questions. am going to be using high output T5s. i know that many people advise against using T5HO lights with a ceiling height of less than 12-15 (or more). two things. i'm getting old and my eyesight is problematic, thus i need a LOT of light. also, i took Jack Lindsey's advice and went and saw the T5HOs in action....the brightness didn't bother me in the least, in fact i love the amount of light the fixture puts out.

i've sorta got two choice in terms of light fixtures: (A) 8 ft strips (4, four ft bulbs in each) or (B) 4ft strips (2 four ft lights in each). i'd prefer the 8ft strips. they're more cost effective than 4 foot strips and because i'd need fewer light fixtures, installation would be easier. BUT, whereas the 4ft strips DO have diffusers, the 8 ft strips do not. i'd prefer to have diffusers of some kind and think i may really need them.

so, my question is....is it reasonably possible (and cost effective) to rig up some sort of homemade diffuser for these 8ft strips or should i just get the 4 ft strips that already have diffusers? any thoughts and suggestions are appreciated.

Ed Weiser
07-11-2014, 3:22 PM
Hi Russ,
I have 10 ft ceilings in my shop with T5HO fixtures installed. The light intensity is a little over 200 lumens per square ft. I love it. At 62 my eyes aren't what they used to be and as a result of this lighting I need very little addition light at each of my machines. I have 8 ft fixtures with 4 four ft bulbs each. They have sealed vapor proof diffusers meant for wet enviroments. Cleaning the dust off them is easy and if I might smack the fixture with a board, the bulbs are protected (haven't done that yet, however!) Oh, and the 8 ft fixtures are a little cheaper than 4 ft fixtures (per bulb) but not much. Try prolighting.com for excellent quality at good prices. Hope this helps.