View Full Version : Wood/Metal Rings

Matt Tippetts
07-10-2014, 7:15 PM
Hey everyone,

I recently lost my wedding ring and I have been looking at a number of rings online that are a combination of metal and wood. Since I am a turner, I think it would be kind of unique to make my own. However, I am having a difficult time finding where to get the metal parts. Does anyone have any experience in this? I have checked woodcraft, penn state, rockler and wood turners catalog. Thanks for any help you can lend!

charlie knighton
07-10-2014, 7:22 PM
Matt, I have seen a belt / watch guy at symposium....these are made out of wood.....not sure if this link is the same one .....but evidently they keep things together with nylon, might give him a call.....some of the fishing lines are low diameter and high strength.....course that in itself might be dangerous......maybe low diameter and low strength say about 4 lb test line


ray hampton
07-10-2014, 7:23 PM
If you want silver then ask your local hardware store for silver solder
OR search the internet for electric plating supplies and use brass or copper from a local hardware store for the ring then plate it with silver or gold

Jon McElwain
07-10-2014, 8:01 PM
Try these guys...


Shawn Pachlhofer
07-10-2014, 8:25 PM
Dave Mueller in the Brazos Valley Turners club has a source for ring cores that are much cheaper than Bangle Guy.

I'll try to reach him and get the source info.

Matt Tippetts
07-10-2014, 10:59 PM
Charlie - Im looking more for rings as opposed to belts.

Ray, I am not that talented. :)

Jon, Thank you! I will use this is Shawn cant find his link.

Shawn, I appreciate you looking and look forward to hearing what you can find!

Thank you to you all! I really appreciate the help!!

Dave Mueller
07-11-2014, 12:55 AM
I have stainless steel rings of sizes from 7 to 13. The insides are curved and polished so they are comfortable to wear. You can search on-line for stainless steel rings and find quite a lot of options. The problem I have found is that what you see on the website is not always what you get. Also, most have a minimum order of $100 or more. I'll sell you only what you need for a lot less than $20 per ring. You can see a couple of the rings at www.aggieturner.com/everything.htm. You can also find a pdf on how I make my rings at www.aggieturner.com/wood-stainless%20steel%20ring%20instructions.pdf PM me and I'll respond.

Shawn, thanks for mentioning me in this thread.

Adam Alloway
07-11-2014, 5:55 AM
Only person i know of is


I do know one of the know turning supply businesses is looking into providing similar sometime in the next year. My guess would be by 2015

Cliff Hill
07-11-2014, 7:40 AM
Dave -- I cannot get either link to open -- Firefox or Chrome.

Dave Mueller
07-11-2014, 10:14 AM
Sorry, guys. Apparently the servers containing my website are down, but expect them to be up soon. Keep trying.