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View Full Version : Tineo Box

Steve Doerr
07-02-2014, 6:24 PM
This is a box that I turned from Tineo, it has some really nice grain and has a nice reddish brown color. I burned the rings on the outside of the box and then groved the one’s on top of the lid and used black acrylic to color. I didn’t notice the face profile on the lid until I took the pictures. It is 3 5/8”W x 4”H. C&C welcome.

292287 292288

Bill Hensley
07-02-2014, 6:34 PM
That is a most attractive box. Not sure I would want to part with that one!

Roger Chandler
07-02-2014, 7:04 PM
Nice looking box, Steve.......lots of symmetry in the burn lines.........nice way to hide the joint.

robert baccus
07-02-2014, 10:26 PM
Really nice work on one of my favorite woods. It was cut only for veneer for years--go check the dash on your Lamborgine- until a volcano threatened the source in Peru. Then it became available for boards--caution--it warps like crazy. Double turning often does not work. I waxed my last 3 pieces and let them dry & warp. 4x4's.

Sid Matheny
07-02-2014, 10:58 PM
Very nice box and the face reminds me of Alfred Hitchcock.


Steve Doerr
07-04-2014, 1:57 PM
Thanks for the kind words everyone.

Robert, unfortunately, my Lamborghini is in the shop and the one my daughter drives is with her at college. So, I was not able to verify your statement:D