View Full Version : Clear grain filler options

Frank Martin
06-26-2014, 4:17 PM
In another thread I asked about coloring Timber Mate to match the walnut color. While thinking this through, I would actually prefer a clear grain filler. Quick research shows CrystaLac available through Rockler may be a good option. Top coat will be General Finishes Enduro Clear poly. Anyone has experience with this product or other suggestions for a clear grain filler to use with walnut.

Robert Maloney
06-26-2014, 4:54 PM
I use Aqua Coat. If you are using a dye I would get a couple of coats of finish on before applying the grain filler. They say you can put it on first and then dye, but I have had better results putting it on after a couple of coats of finish. Plus you don't have to worry as much about a sand through.

Steve Schoene
06-27-2014, 11:36 AM
Most of the reports I have seen of the waterborne clear grain fillers complain about the shrinkage, so that it may take several coats to really achieve a glass smooth surface.

It's true that you "can" apply dye to these fillers, but it seldom takes the dye the same as raw wood. For sure I would dye before grain filling. I'd also use pigmented stain before clear grain filler.

Frank Martin
06-27-2014, 12:52 PM
To clarify, I have no intention to dye the wood itself. I was merely using dye to tint the filler itself as I had neutral colored filler instead of walnut color as Woodcraft was out of it. I will try the clear filler as one thing I did not like about the neutral filler is how it muddies / mutes down the walnut grain. Hopefully clear filler will just fill the grains rather than muddying the pattern.

I did some search and did see that it generally takes 2-3 coats of clear grain filler to get the job done. Will try that. I was not sure if there a better product that others, but seems like Crystalac is a decent one, so will go with as it is locally available.

Chris Merriam
06-27-2014, 1:44 PM
I haven't used it, but that will be what I try on walnut next time. On my prior walnut coffee table I tried Behlen's natural colored, and I "tried" to tint it black just to fill the pores (I had already sealed the wood). For the life of me, I could not get a nice black using Mixol, it came out a muddy greyish-black. It was a barely accceptable color, but I went with it. Like I said, next time I'll try the clear stuff.

Rick Mosher
06-29-2014, 3:48 PM
When tinting grain filler pigments are the way to go. Clarity isn't something you want in this instance, coverage is and that is where pigments shine. For the WB fillers I am sure artists acrylics would work fine but I would test it first.