View Full Version : Lumber Storage

Brad Seubert
06-21-2014, 3:59 PM
I plan on storing some dry hardwood in my basement. Right now its a mix of red and white oak, ash, and some maple. Any issues with storing it on stickers down there? Right now the temp is about 67 degrees with a relative humidity of 60% with little to no air movement. Just don't want to go dig into the pile in the future and find a bunch of mold.

Mark Bolton
06-21-2014, 4:12 PM
If your basement is dry, and it's kd don't even bother stickering it.. just dead stack.

Max Neu
06-21-2014, 4:20 PM
Like Mark said, stack Em up.Although I would still keep an eye on the RH, and run a dehumidifier if necessary. Also, keep them off the floor by a few inches at least.

Brad Seubert
06-21-2014, 5:01 PM
Any idea of where the RH should be? Is 60-65% to high?

Danny Hamsley
06-22-2014, 8:54 AM
At 70 degrees F and at 60% humidity, the wood will equalize at a moisture content of 11%.