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Wade Lippman
06-21-2014, 11:44 AM
I bought a miniature bull nose plane at an auction, and these were in the box. What are they?
I am guessing they clamp on a ruler for repeat cuts. Any better ideas?

I bought 10bf of nice maple and ash for $6 each. A few other lots of wood sold, though I am not sure why because it looked like trash to me. Then the rest, maybe 1,000bf, sold for $15. Incredible buy on firewood, but I just didn't need any.

Mel Fulks
06-21-2014, 11:50 AM
Stair gauges. They fit on framing square for stair work. You have to be careful with that type when placing them,as their shape does not guarantee that they will be accurate just using the square numbers. Look at how they contact edge of board and you will see what I mean.

David Helm
06-21-2014, 2:27 PM
Mel has it right. During my carpenter years I used them for a while but ended up being more accurate using my eye.

Bill White
06-21-2014, 3:06 PM
They are junk! Send 'em to me for recycling. :)
They are for use on your big square (or mine if you choose).

Wade Lippman
06-21-2014, 3:10 PM
I checked out stair gauges on youtube. I could have used them last year on the only stairs I am likely to ever do; my eye wasn't so good.

Bill, if you were local you would be welcome to them.

Jay Jolliffe
06-21-2014, 4:51 PM
You also can use them on rafters. You set the pitch with them...

Mel Fulks
06-21-2014, 8:47 PM
The gauges made by Starret have a design that is easy to set accurately ,but a lot more expensive. "Set and forget"

Scott T Smith
06-21-2014, 10:20 PM
They are also used to layout certain timberframe joints.

Dave Zellers
06-21-2014, 11:42 PM
Mel has it right. During my carpenter years I used them for a while but ended up being more accurate using my eye.
Exactly my experience.

They can be useful, but once you fully understand how they work and what they are for, you don't need them.