View Full Version : New Bandsaw for me. Laguna 16HD

Theodore Beyer
06-21-2014, 8:14 AM
I just purchased used a 2004 16HD (non-Baldor). It is a beautiful machine :). I need to run 220 and work through issues related to the machine sitting for years. I felt that I got a good deal $1100. Anyway, I intend to buy a new 1/2" blade and get the Resaw blade it came with resharpened. The only defect I really want to address is the tires. The upper tire is a bit chewed up. Does anyone have ideas on how to replace? Thanks. Ted

Phil Thien
06-21-2014, 9:27 AM
Can't you get a new tire from Laguna? For my Inca saws (also Euro-type) the tire had a rib on the bottom that rode in a groove in the wheel, because the wheels had no rims, because the blade overhangs the front of the wheel. So I had to get tires made specifically for my Inca, and I suspect a similar requirement for you.

Of course, if the tire is only a little chewed up it may not matter much.

Gus Dundon
06-23-2014, 3:00 PM
If the tire doesn't cause any problem while cutting, I think it's not necessary to replace it. Are the tires glued on or not?