View Full Version : Flame Out! Pedestal Bowl

Roger Chandler
06-18-2014, 10:22 PM
This is a pedestal bowl from Box Elder maple..........11.5" wide and 6.5" tall. I sort of like the flames! ;) The bark inclusion, I could have done without, but it is part of the character of this tree, so perhaps someone will like it........I cut away another one from the rim area, or this would have been even deeper.

Comments welcome!

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Thomas Canfield
06-18-2014, 10:31 PM
I like the little bit of bark showing. It shows that you got all you could out of the piece and knew when to stop. Nice piece. It will look good as a display piece, and the bark can be rotated out of view if desired.

Roger Chandler
06-18-2014, 11:04 PM
I like the little bit of bark showing. It shows that you got all you could out of the piece and knew when to stop. Nice piece. It will look good as a display piece, and the bark can be rotated out of view if desired.

Thanks much, Thomas!

David Reed
06-19-2014, 12:59 AM
Incredible color. Reminds me of Jupiter's Great Red Spot. Love it and hope the color doesn't fade too quickly.

Roger Chandler
06-19-2014, 7:39 AM
Incredible color. Reminds me of Jupiter's Great Red Spot. Love it and hope the color doesn't fade too quickly.

Thanks David........I have had fairly good luck with box elder keeping its color. I have two pieces that have faded just a little, but have retained most of the red.......just not as vibrant or bold........I suspect in time it will go brown, however.

Dennis Ford
06-19-2014, 9:23 AM
Beautiful wood and you showed it off in a very nice way. Sunlight seems to fade the red, so keep it away from windows.

Prashun Patel
06-19-2014, 9:41 AM
Bug holes, bark inclusion, split at the top, brilliant red spalt. The wood, and your presentation of it is perfect. Personally, I find the pedestal and ogee a little formal and proper for wood with this kind of character; I would have made a simpler form. But that's personal taste.

This is some of the best character wood I've seen in a while. There's so much going on. People will have a hard time believing you didn't dye it.

Michelle Rich
06-19-2014, 9:49 AM
stunning color! if you use a finish with that sun ray blocking stuff (for the life of me I can't remember what it is) and keep it out of the light,,it should keep color much longer..it has worked for me, very well

Tom Borener
06-19-2014, 10:58 AM
This is a beauty, and I like the inclusion. If it wasn't there, you wouldn't have all the other wonderful stuff happening.

Roger Chandler
06-19-2014, 11:00 AM
Bug holes, bark inclusion, split at the top, brilliant red spalt. The wood, and your presentation of it is perfect. Personally, I find the pedestal and ogee a little formal and proper for wood with this kind of character; I would have made a simpler form. But that's personal taste.

This is some of the best character wood I've seen in a while. There's so much going on. People will have a hard time believing you didn't dye it.

A little formal? ..........yep, that could be said, I guess, Prashun.........but at the time I began this piece, I had a vision in mind back in April when I did the roughout........while in process of turning, I had choices to make, and because I wanted more of a formal presentation piece, to sit on a table with either a fruit or flower arrangement, I decided for those purposes, this design would be okay with this wood.........

Thanks for your input here.........things like design and the character of the wood itself should be factored in before the process begins......something I need to consider as I do future pieces of this wood. It is my hope that the other pieces I have of this tree will have less bark inclusions, and more pristine wood with lots of color.......at least I can hope! ;)

Prashun Patel
06-19-2014, 11:04 AM
I value criticisms of my own work. I offer my own criticisms humbly. I have a great deal to learn about design, so take my comments for what they're worth. (Less than 2 cents).

Roger Chandler
06-19-2014, 11:06 AM
I value criticisms of my own work. I offer my own criticisms humbly. I have a great deal to learn about design, so take my comments for what they're worth. (Less than 2 cents).

For sure.......I really do appreciate what you said.......all valid and makes me think about factors I need to take into consideration before starting on another piece of this tree..........thank you again! :)

Roger Chandler
06-19-2014, 11:10 AM
stunning color! if you use a finish with that sun ray blocking stuff (for the life of me I can't remember what it is) and keep it out of the light,,it should keep color much longer..it has worked for me, very well

First off.......thank you dear Lady!!! :) Secondly, Michelle.........if you can remember what that finish is that has the UV blockers in it, I would like to know what it is........I think I have even more pretty pieces in the future with all this color and perhaps more of it, so preserving this color for as long as possible is highly desirable..........so, if you would not mind, search your memory banks and your shop shelves the next time you are out there and if you find it.........Please, let me know what it is!?! :)

Trevor Howard
06-19-2014, 11:35 AM
Roger do a Google search for "UV Blocking wood finish", there are several. Minwax Helmsman Spar claims to have UV blockers


Great looking Bowl, curious how stable it is with a small base in relation to the actual bowl.

Roger Chandler
06-19-2014, 11:44 AM
Roger do a Google search for "UV Blocking wood finish", there are several. Minwax Helmsman Spar claims to have UV blockers


Great looking Bowl, curious how stable it is with a small base in relation to the actual bowl.

Sits nice and stable...........the foot is proportionally correct...........I suppose if one put a large piece of lead on one side and a couple of flowers on the other, it might tip over, but not a likely scenario!

Thanks Trevor for the info on the google search for finishes with UV blockers!

jwjerry w kowalski
06-19-2014, 3:47 PM
Stunning wood and a stunning piece Roger, my neighbor used spar varnish on his box elder 2 years ago and has had no fading of color, I figure next time I turn some elder I'll try it too.

Roger Chandler
06-19-2014, 6:52 PM
Stunning wood and a stunning piece Roger, my neighbor used spar varnish on his box elder 2 years ago and has had no fading of color, I figure next time I turn some elder I'll try it too.

Thanks for that info, Jerry.......I think I am going to give that spar varnish a try for the next pieces of this..........appreciate your comments as well!

Doug Herzberg
06-19-2014, 8:13 PM
Roger, the wood is spectacular and I really like the form. I get Prashun's point, but in this day of distressed everything it is not at all uncommon to see very formal designs made from very rustic materials or even missing one or more pieces. I like that it appears thinner than it may actually be. Hope to see more from this tree!

David C. Roseman
06-20-2014, 7:34 AM
This is some of the best character wood I've seen in a while. There's so much going on. People will have a hard time believing you didn't dye it.

What? He didn't??

I've seen a fair number of Box Elder bowls , but when I first saw the pic of Roger's piece this morning without text in the Grizzly Green Monster Group gallery, I actually said to myself, "How'd he do that!"

Beautiful, Roger.


Roger Chandler
06-20-2014, 12:15 PM
What? He didn't??

I've seen a fair number of Box Elder bowls , but when I first saw the pic of Roger's piece this morning without text in the Grizzly Green Monster Group gallery, I actually said to myself, "How'd he do that!"

Beautiful, Roger.


Thank you David!

Roger Chandler
06-24-2014, 7:36 PM
Roger, the wood is spectacular and I really like the form. I get Prashun's point, but in this day of distressed everything it is not at all uncommon to see very formal designs made from very rustic materials or even missing one or more pieces. I like that it appears thinner than it may actually be. Hope to see more from this tree!

Sorry I am late acknowledging your comment Doug.........a point well stated about distressed designs in these times. I am not too concerned about someone liking this..........this last Saturday, I was out in the back yard walking my Yorkie, and my neighbor, who has a lathe and turns pens and smaller stuff, spoke to me..........I told him to wait a minute, I had something to show him. He has been over to my shop numerous times, and I taught him how to turn pens and will teach him about bowls when he is ready to tackle it.

I put my dog in the house and got this and took it to the back fence where my neighbor was waiting.......he said " I have a $100 bill in my wallet, and I will save you the time and trouble of getting rid of this bowl, right here and right now!" :eek: I smiled and said something to the effect that if he would double that offer a time or two more, we could "start" to talk about it! ;)

That one is more valuable than his offer in my opinion! ;)