View Full Version : Question for Rockwell / Delta 40-440 owners

Larry Fox
06-16-2014, 9:16 AM
My kid is starting to show some interest in doing some work in the shop and seems interested in making stuff that involves curved cuts. Up to now he has been using my MM-16 but I decided to buy him a scroller. I was able to pick up a Delta / Rockwell 40-440 last week on local CL for $125. I cleaned it up over the weekend and it cleaned up very nicely. The only issue I have been able to identify with it is that it leaks some oil from around the lower plunger unit (don't know if that is the official name of the gizmo) when running. I am suspecting a seal but thought I would ask on the forum what I might be getting into before I open the crankcase and start meddling around in there. I have seen some parts charts but they are not very straightforward to read and some parts no longer appear to be available or are very expensive.

Also - it needs a table insert so if anyone has one of those lying around I would be willing to buy it.

Thanks in advance for your time.