View Full Version : The Healing

Brian Kent
06-15-2014, 2:24 PM
This is for a friend who is recovering from Liver Cancer Surgery. It is a very serious disease. Before she went in, she gave my some small logs from her pear tree. I tried this first bowl - just roughed out on the inside and sanded on the outside - and set it aside to see how the wood moved. Well it warped and cracked in major ways.

I was about to toss it when I decided to let it be a symbol of her journey. Her first surgery was successful and because of her health, her lack of drinking or smoking, her youth, and the fact that the cancer was only in her liver and caught early, she has a 50% odds of survival.

So the crack is the illness and the turquoise is a symbol of the beauty of a first successful healing step.

robert baccus
06-15-2014, 10:53 PM
Our hopes and prayers for your friend. The bowl unique and precious---great.

Glen Blanchard
06-15-2014, 11:03 PM
I love the symbolism here, Brian. Great job on what is sure to become a very special part of her recovery.

Doug Reesor
06-17-2014, 8:54 PM

A beautiful gift. Peace be with you and your friend on this journey. The symbolism is perfect.

Jim Underwood
06-17-2014, 10:04 PM
I love redemption pieces. Great job.

Lee Koepke
06-18-2014, 11:44 AM
Very nice. Appreciate you sharing the story as well. The stories are what makes projects special, unique, and important.

Brian Kent
09-30-2014, 7:36 PM
The rest of the story so far… My friend Lori had a very successful surgery and was cancer free. At the 3 month check up she is still all clear. She will have to be checked every 3 months and each time we will be praying for good news.

Lori worked for years at the penguin exhibit at Sea World in San Diego. I wrote the current penguin people and they sent me some Emperor Penguin feathers to add to the piece.

charlie knighton
09-30-2014, 7:59 PM
keep the faith Brain, good stuff for situation

Dok Yager
10-02-2014, 7:23 PM
Great work Brain, and Very thoughtful and inspiring for her I bet! Keep up the excellent work.