View Full Version : Weakness at a yard sale

steven c newman
06-15-2014, 1:52 PM
Mainly I stick with hand powered tools. However, during the two day yard sale event near here, I spent a $10 bill. After all, it was just laying in the grass on their front lawn291315Yep. Table was rusty. At least there was a blade still on it. A Craftsman 13" scrollsaw, with a tilting table. 291316Cleaned it up a bit. A palm sander with 220 paper cleaned the table back to shiny metal. Then a rag and a few drops of 3in1 oil was wiped on it. Tilt works nicely. Plugged it in.....Runs like new! Didn't even have it fasten down to the bench, never moved. 291317 Not too bad for just $10? Blades are of the "pin" type.

Mike Cutler
06-15-2014, 5:15 PM

No way you can go wrong for $10.00. ;)

Dick Brown
06-15-2014, 6:28 PM
Love those yard sales!!! . 4KW. power plant. Seller and I both thought motor was stuck and wouldn't turn over. Got it home, tweaked it
a bit, runs great. Price?? $10 less than Steve paid!


Peter Quinn
06-15-2014, 6:50 PM
thats not weakness...it takes great strength to embrace an unknown, make a space for it in your shop, take it in as your own and give it a purpose.....least thats what I keep telling myself every time I bring home something from a yard sale! Looks great, enjoy!

Jim Matthews
06-16-2014, 7:05 AM
For hogging out the waste between pins on your dovetails,
this could really speed things along.

Loren Woirhaye
06-16-2014, 11:49 AM
Scroll saws are funny machines. You'll find out. I seldom do decorative scrolling but I like having one around to do inside cuts for making jigs and things like that.

Jim Rimmer
06-16-2014, 12:41 PM
Looks like the one I have. You paid about what it's worth. :D Seriously, that's a good deal.

steven c newman
06-16-2014, 8:54 PM
Model number # 113.236270

Yes it says Made in China

It is a direct drive, cast iron base, with a tilting table. Pin blades. The one it has MIGHT be a tad dull. Was trying to cut some 5/8" thick corner blocks for a table build291391was a might hard to keep it cutting a straight line in the Poplar. It also wanted to hop a bit. Had to really hold the wood down. Maybe next time a pay check drifts by, I'll get a few new blades. On the DL right now....