View Full Version : Pentel pencil

Tom Wilson66
06-11-2014, 1:45 PM
Since I retired, I have had a bit of time to play around in the shop, and was looking for something new to try. While looking through some fishing catalogs, I saw some decorative thread wrapping on a fishing rod, and thought that would look good on spindle turnings. 6 months later, I think I have worked out the basics of doing thils type of decoration, and here is the result on a Pentel type pencil I made for use in the shop. Let me know what you think of it.


Tim Leiter
06-11-2014, 2:19 PM
That looks very well done. Maybe you have discovered a new method for decorating pens/pencils. Great job!

Scott Lux
06-11-2014, 3:06 PM
Looks like you've mastered that one!

Bill Hensley
06-12-2014, 7:37 AM
A very nice embellishment. That's a fine job on the wrapping.

George Bokros
06-12-2014, 8:45 AM
Beautiful. Anyone would like to have one of those.


Doug Ladendorf
06-12-2014, 9:01 AM
You must have a pretty swanky shop, that's beautiful!

Dave Fritz
06-12-2014, 10:19 AM
Be nice on a fly rod too. I'll bet some fly fishermen would be interested in a pencil like that. Well done.

Dave Fritz

Steve Menendez
06-12-2014, 10:28 AM
That looks fantastic! You really captured the "flavor" of wrapped guides on fishing rods. I would like to have a pencil like that. Every time I picked it up at my "day job", I would be reminded of the fact that I'd rather be fishing.


Steve Menendez
06-12-2014, 10:31 AM
PS - I use a Pentel P207 and/or P209 every single day. I'm one of those mid/old school engineers.
