View Full Version : .54 pitch chain mortise tooling NOS for the Stenner BL mortiser

jack forsberg
06-04-2014, 9:53 PM
One of the chain and bars I got with My Stenner BL chain and chisel mortiser was one of the small gauge chains 5/16" wide 5/8 long. can't remember the numbers (.89/.62/.54?) for the 3 chain pitch sizes. I have never been able to run it though as it was missing the sprocket. had some one in the US quote me $150 for an old stock sprocket and thought it was to rich for my bottom feeder blood.

There was/is some tooling on the block up in the UK most of it old Reynolds Wadkin/ Robinson tooling, and i grabed this German small chain AKA "necklace". I did the Buy it now as you just don't see these very small chains often AND BEFORE I COULD THINK ABOUT. In fact i have never seen them come up and i don't thick there made any more. so for 75 British pounds i had to adjust my bottom feeder ways and click sold.

http://i927.photobucket.com/albums/a...psfcfccb2c.jpg (http://i927.photobucket.com/albums/ad111/tool613/wadkin/_572_zpsfcfccb2c.jpg)

bar looked real good to me?
http://i927.photobucket.com/albums/a...psd8df9b5c.jpg (http://i927.photobucket.com/albums/ad111/tool613/wadkin/_574_zpsd8df9b5c.jpg)

any one seen or have any of the specal Wadkin doubles or triangle kits? call me please

http://i927.photobucket.com/albums/a...psd4ffcae5.jpg (http://i927.photobucket.com/albums/ad111/tool613/wadkin/wadkinchain_zpsd4ffcae5.jpg)

Looking for advice on handling this smaller chain tooling from users if your out there

got to try them out and they are very nice
