View Full Version : Bowl blank blades.....

James Tibbetts
05-30-2014, 7:21 PM
My band saw is a G0555 with a just installed riser kit. So time for new blades. The vast majority of the bowl blanks I cut will be wet wood and range in diameter from about 4" to 9.5", and up to 12" thick stock. I'm thinking 3/8" or 1/2" x 3 tpi skip tooth. Yes? No? Maybe? What is good for the occasional hard dry wood blank? Favorite brands or ones to avoid?
My gut feeling is that carbide is not going to be cost effective but any input on that score would help too. As always any suggestions and comments are encouraged and greatly appreciated.

Rod Sheridan
05-31-2014, 7:41 AM
Hi James, for a 4" diameter blank you'll need a 3/8" blade, 3TPI would be fine.

I purchase silicon steel blades, don't bother with carbide for green wood.............Regards, Rod.

Rich Harkrader
05-31-2014, 10:38 AM
Check out the Woodturner's blades from Highland Woodworking. They've worked great for me.


James Tibbetts
05-31-2014, 12:31 PM
Rod thanks forconfirming my suspisions on the caebide.
Rich those blades look like just the ticket.
Thanks guys.

Bob Varney
05-31-2014, 7:51 PM
+1 on the woodturners blade