View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments

Dennis Peacock
05-27-2014, 7:29 AM
27 May 2014

Good Morning Everyone,
I hope that each of you had a good Memorial Day Weekend. I was oncall until yesterday morning. I got to spend some much needed time working on the garage addition on our house. We are making good progress and all was well until one of the ceiling joist board broke at a knot and sent me falling through a bunch of stuff. I was able to catch myself on the side of my exposed existing how but not without some serious bruising. The LOML took me to the ER to have me checked and nothing was broken nor fractured. My side, shoulder, and hip caught the worst of it because I was grabbing anything I could to break my fall. I'm pretty stiff and sore today and I'm really nice and purple on my right side down to just above me knee. This will slow me down for a few days.

On to recovery for me and spent time with the family this weekend as well.

That's it for me, so what did YOU do this past Memorial Day weekend??

Best of weeks to you all.

Matt Meiser
05-27-2014, 8:15 AM
We spent the entire weekend preparing to put the house on the market this evening. Saturday we had a very successful barn sale to clear out a lot of "stuff" accumulated over 10 years. Sunday was moving all the shop stuff I'm keeping back out of the old finishing room and getting it packed and organized while LOML and LOMLjr worked in the house, then moving the shop stuff to an undisclosed location for security reasons--a lesson learned from a friend's move. Monday final cleaning of the house, garage, mowing, etc so the Realtor can take pictures today.

Shane Copps
05-27-2014, 9:41 AM
Matt- I don't envy the job of moving you have ahead of you.

I myself spent all weekend moving from a small rental house (750 sq ft) to my new home (3100 sq ft). I also got to get my shop out of storage!!!!!! The floor isn't ready in the new shop, but it is all stacked in the garage. I got to at least see some of the tools that have been buried for two and a half years. We lost two TV's in the move- but 15+ year old units sitting in an unheated storage- I'm not complaining to much. It's also an excuse to pick up a new/lighter flat screen.


Justin Ludwig
05-27-2014, 9:48 AM
Played in a disc golf tourney on Saturday and place 1st in my division. That was, ahem, a first. Got a flat on Sunday. Luckily I was getting out of the truck on my shops truck door pad when I heard it leaking. Other than that, a normal relaxing weekend of house chores and some shop work.

Shawn Pixley
05-27-2014, 11:07 AM
Dennis, sorry to hear of your fall. It could have been much worse. I'm glad it wasn't.

The weather here was epic. So, all of Southern California decided it was a great day for the beach. I wasn't feeling up to working in the shop except for a 4 hour stint on Monday. Between dogs and house projects, I had plenty to do.

Jim Becker
05-27-2014, 5:23 PM
Oooh....the weekend actually had some woodworking to report for a change! I spent a number of hours working on another tack trunk project. :D Aside from that, there was the usual pony time on Saturday plus some more on Monday; mowed the lawn, did a photo shoot of my older daughter in her HS graduation get-up and cooked a few delicious meals.

Heal fast, Dennis!

Bruce Page
05-27-2014, 6:19 PM
Dennis, I'm glad nothing was broken and hope you feel better soon.

Matt Meiser
05-27-2014, 7:48 PM
, did a photo shoot of my older daughter in her HS graduation get-up

Woah..I would never have guessed they are that old already! Congrats!

Phil Thien
05-27-2014, 8:30 PM
Holy smokes, Dennis, I sure hope you recover quickly. Thank God you caught yourself, you could have broken something!

Ken Fitzgerald
05-27-2014, 9:22 PM
Dennis claims that bottom chord on a truss broke and knocked him to the ground. I think he may have just snagged a strap on Bibs! Hey Bibs.

I did do a little working on my outfeed table this week weekend. Also at my wife's insistence began researching a possible new table saw.

The wife has been gone over 4 weeks now but I won't post about doing laundry and other household chores.

John Sanford
05-29-2014, 2:16 AM
On Friday morning, my weekend plan was to spend most of the weekend working in the shop, getting bits for Uncle Max, getting him running, etc, with a long ride thrown in either Sunday or Monday. While still loafing about Saturday morning, I get a call from #1 Son. He's going to be arriving in the area in a few hours, and plans on some downtime. Because of the holiday weekend, his Monday delivery in Colorado has been pushed off to Tuesday, so he can spend the rest of Saturday and most of Sunday here. Which he did.

So, while I did get the correct bits for Uncle Max, I also got to see the new X-Men movie with #1 Son and #2 Son. Excellent movie, the best of the franchise. The writing is superlative. I also managed to finally get my shelf situation in the laundry room squared away to my satisfaction. In addition to the couple hours moving laundry room stuff about, I spent about 4 hours in the shop, doing a lot of cutting, sanding and grinding. Yes, grinding. Not one speck of wood was worked.... But I did more metal work Monday than I've done in any whole year. Between fitting wire shelving, cutting the shelf standard hanging bracket thingy (think a metal french cleat), and butchering 2 Harbor Freight 48" 'yardsticks', the aluminum and steel was flying and sparking quite nicely.

Jim Becker
06-09-2014, 9:49 AM
Woah..I would never have guessed they are that old already! Congrats!

Yea, the younger will be 15 in August...Freshman Dance

Older graduated from HS on the 30th and will be 19 in August...