View Full Version : Spalted Shagbark Hickory

Steve Paxman
05-24-2014, 9:27 AM
This is spalted shagbark hickory, a wood I'd never even heard of before. The tree looks awesome from pictures online.

This bowl is about 7.5" by 2.75 inches. It was supposed to be a full 8 inches diameter, but I confess the hole I drilled for the screw chuck somehow managed to be slightly off center...

Comments definitely welcome. Hah, well, sideways is better than nothin'! (Adding pictures from an ipad isn't so easy!)

Tom Sherman
05-24-2014, 10:18 AM
that's a nice lookin bowl, even sideways.

Dok Yager
05-24-2014, 10:50 AM
Nice looking! That spalted hickory had to be hard. Great job.

Tony Pridmore
05-24-2014, 11:32 AM
Very nice bowl!

This weekend I'm picking up some shagbark hickory that's been on the ground in trunk form for a couple of months. I hope it's started spalting. The spalting in yours is fantastic.

Tom M King
05-24-2014, 6:58 PM
We'll be cutting up a log that's been down for a while (some years?)in University Park, Md. next week if anyone wants any. Some of it is on the ground, but most of it is up off the ground. I wouldn't be surprised if there is spalting in it. 18 to 20 iches at the butt. I was just going to give it to the trash guys for firewood.

James Tibbetts
05-24-2014, 7:08 PM
PM sent about hickory Tom.

robert baccus
05-25-2014, 4:40 AM
Shagbark is one of the more desirable hickories. Cuts great and spalts. A good wood to twice turn for obvious reasons.

Leo Van Der Loo
05-26-2014, 12:43 AM
Nice bowl of some nice wood Steve.

Gus Dundon
05-29-2014, 3:45 PM
You did a fantastic job on this piece of shagbark hickory. Keep it up.