View Full Version : Baltic Birch Plywood

Rolf Brunner
05-23-2014, 9:35 PM
Good evening, I'm new to this forum but I hope that maybe any of you can help me. I'm trying to find 3/32 Baltic Birch Plywood. There is a company in the New England area called Atlantic that used to carry it (I think) I was hoping to find somebody in the VA area or near by. If possible I would like to get either 5x5 or 8x4 sheets.
Thank you so much for your help
Have a great evening

Joe Craven
05-24-2014, 9:56 AM

I have no clue in your neck of VA, but if you have a need to come up to the DC metro area for some reason, I've always had good luck with the plywood options (and hardwood) offered at Northland Forest Products in Manassas. Looks like they have a location in Troy VA too, which is closer for you. Couldn't hurt to give them a call...if they don't have it they might be able to source it for you.

Good luck...

Jamie Buxton
05-24-2014, 10:22 AM
Shipping may be an issue, but Anderson International (www.aitwood.com), in Los Angeles, carries it. http://www.aitwood.com/StoreFront.Asp?WoodType=THIN-BIRCH&CATID=10&Section=ULTRATHIN&wDesc=Ultra Thin Finland Birch Plywood. Maybe they'd cut it down for you to make shipping easier?

Howard Acheson
05-24-2014, 11:32 AM
Be aware that true Baltic Birch comes in metric dimensions. Thickness is in millimeters. Panel size is 61".

Chad Bender
05-24-2014, 11:44 AM
In PA, my go to has always been Industrial Plywood (Lewistown & Reading). Their prices are good, so depending on how much you need, shipping might be cost effective.

Eric DeSilva
05-24-2014, 1:38 PM
I'm trying to find 3/32 Baltic Birch Plywood.

3/32 would be 2 or 3 mm baltic birch. I've never seen plywood that thin--that's veneer dimensions in my book. If they make 3mm plywood, how thin are the plys?

scott vroom
05-24-2014, 1:40 PM
3/32 would be 2 or 3 mm baltic birch. I've never seen plywood that thin--that's veneer dimensions in my book. If they make 3mm plywood, how thin are the plys?

There is a 3mm baltic birch ply available.

Tony Joyce
05-24-2014, 3:55 PM
Aircraft Spruce & Specialty lists the following sizes in Finnish Birch Aircraft Plywood (Metric).
While not cheap they do carry a good selection of thicknesses.


I've bought some of the 1mm & 1.5mm and it is a quality ply. It came well packed also. Full sheets are motor freight, half sheets can be UPS.


Eric DeSilva
05-24-2014, 4:33 PM
The 0.4mm has three plies, so each is 0.13mm? Amazing. I take it that the material is used for model aircraft?

Tony Joyce
05-24-2014, 9:06 PM
Actually the website is all about full size aircraft.
www.aircraftspruce.com (http://www.aircraftspruce.com)


Rolf Brunner
06-09-2014, 10:54 AM
Thank you so much for your help. I'll look them up. I live near the WV border about 3 1/2 hours from DC

Jordan Lane
06-09-2014, 1:23 PM
Atlantic Plywood is in Richmond Virginia in the lakeside area behind Amtrac