View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments

Dennis Peacock
05-19-2014, 8:03 AM
19 May 2014

Good Morning Everyone,
This past weekend was a very FULL weekend for me. No woodworking but I left for Alabama on Friday, 9 hours and 510 miles. Saturday was packing the mother-in-law's POD with her household goods, and Sunday was the return drive home. Once I got home and me and my 2 sons got the van unloaded (it had household stuff in it as well), we then started digging the "screen" material out of the footings for the MIL's apartment and garage. We finished that up by 8:30 PM last night, I then did laundry, swept floors, and put away clean clothes. I then went to bed and crashed about 2 AM this morning. I go oncall at 8 AM today and so starts another week of oncall duty for me on top of doing all the stuff around here. If all goes well, we will be pouring concrete on Wednesday of this week. I hope.!!!

Well, that's it for this tired soul....so what did YOU do this past weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.

Dennis Nagle
05-19-2014, 9:08 AM
I had my nephew over and taught him how to turn pens. We went through 5 kits to get 3 pens that I did not take pictures of.

Matt Meiser
05-19-2014, 9:36 AM
Yard work, sorting, packing, selling. Hoping to put our house on the market a week from tomorrow.

Jak Kelly
05-19-2014, 9:53 AM
Got my 13 yr old boy a new fishing pole last Thursday, took him fishing Friday and Saturday. We were at my dads' house, also did some shooting! Great weekend here to!!!

Dale Murray
05-19-2014, 11:00 AM
I built a raised plant beds this weekend.

Roughly 28 hours work over Saturday and Sunday.
44' long
All treated 2x8

Very tired now.



Shawn Pixley
05-19-2014, 10:07 PM
One of my son's bands had a gig at a motocross show. We took care of of his dog for a couple days. The previous week was as hot as it has ever been at the beach. It is often hotter than that inland but the ocean nearly always is much cooler. It hit 102 degrees - most years it doesn't hit 90. The weekend was cooler so dear wife and I caught up on the tasks that were too hot to want to do during the week.

I visited the doctor last Friday. It looks like the next step is surgery. Last weekend the pain was such that I didn't do much but clean the top off my general bench and prepare things in the house. Surgery is scary but the pain is becoming pretty incapacitating.

Phil Thien
05-19-2014, 10:47 PM
My wife has a small (understatement) vegetable garden in the back and has always struggled w/ a fence for rabbits. She basically has driven stakes into the ground, wrapped them with chicken wire held with cable ties.

So I picked up some PT 2x4's and with her assistance we built something a little more substantial. I reused her chicken wire. Pic was as it stood this morning, but since then I had three yards of topsoil delivered to level things out for her. The delivery guy for the soil was outstanding, backed his truck up as far as he could so we were able to distribute three yards in about twenty to thirty minutes.

I also worked on my little CNC router dust collection and my dog and I did a lot of exploring at a somewhat new-to-us dog park.

Mike Olson
05-20-2014, 10:45 AM
Son had Baseball on Saturday, Sunday we worked on the garden some more by laying down 22 additional 16x16 pavers between the garden beds.
Oh, and I have finally started work on my project for the Summers 2x4 contest. Not sure if i'll finish in time since I'm working on something rather complicated...

Rod Sheridan
05-20-2014, 11:24 AM
It was a long weekend here and we went to a BMW rally in a conservation area a couple of hundred kilometres from home.

The weather was colder than normal, ranging from about 2 to 12 degrees with a bit of rain.

It was really nice to see everyone again, many riders from out of province and many from the USA.

Dinner was great, served by comely pirate wenches, some sporting beards. (From watching Lord of the Rings maybe they were Dwarves?).