View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments....

Dennis Peacock
06-27-2005, 8:58 AM
Well, another weekend has come and gone.

No shop time this weekend. Worked almost all day getting the yard whooped into shape as my official yard cutters have been gone on a mission trip to Mexico and the yard stuff got behind since I've been working so much. It takes a while to cut, trim and weedeat 3 acres ya know!!! :eek:

Been trying to help Mark Cothren with his new shop construction and I'm anxious to get in there and get the wiring part under way and finished.

Church on Sunday and watched a movie with the family.

So what did YOU do this weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.

Ken Fitzgerald
06-27-2005, 9:08 AM
Worked late Friday. Saturday, put the 2nd coat of mud on the shop ceiling. Ran out of mud. Made a trip to buy more.

Sunday morning another vertigo attack. First since February.

Sunday afternoon, helped LOML trim and mow the yard. Newly planted grass to repair the damage from building the shop is coming up nicely and mowing well. On call this week through the 5th of July...In-laws arrive tomorrow for 3 week visit. Wife will go home with them to help them move into new apartment and clean out recently sold home. Won't see much of her until late August when I leave for a week long class. It'll be a long summer without her.

Jim Becker
06-27-2005, 9:08 AM
No shop time here, either, other than putting the finishing touches (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=21467&page=3) on my small side table for my office. The rest of the weekend was taken up by final preparations of the house for the girls to arrive on Saturday...in other words, a lot of sweating! (Especially since most of Sunday entailed cleaning and reconfiguring the patio and decks outside with Dr. SWMBO...it was darn hot and sticky here this weekend) Other activities included increasing my familiarity with the video camera with Froggie and a few local birdies "staring", a little shopping and not much else...it was the last weekend of "DINK-dom", sortof...sheesh!

Tim Morton
06-27-2005, 9:11 AM
stayed away from all possble outdoor work, it was a tad hot here in Vermont. I don't expect those from the south to feel pity, but it was hot none the same:D. I spent some time floating dow the river near my home and also watched the Red Sox move further ahead of the pack:D. last night I packed the truck and took my daughter and her friends to the drive-in to see Batman...can you say lazy weekend? Tommorrow i am starting a new job, so it was nice to take it easy once last time...hope everyone had a good one!!!.

Kevin Post
06-27-2005, 9:13 AM
My Sister-in-law visited this weekend with her 1 1/2 year old twin boys. In spite of the distraction and noise, I managed to accomplish some things. They still sleep a lot at that age, just not when the rest of us do. http://home.centurytel.net/rockyroad/images/tired.gif

Unfortunately, not much woodworking...

The Parade of Home was going on so LOML and I went to gawk at houses we can't afford.
Installed new Carter guides on my bandsaw.
Installed new knives in the jointer.
Replaced the sheetrock in the ceiling of our laundry room. It had been damaged by a leak upstairs. I got it all taped but I still have another coat of mud to put on.
Mowed the lawn and cleaned up some weeds.

Mike Weaver
06-27-2005, 9:35 AM
As the subject shows, I didn't get any shop time, but it was a good weekend...

Saturday was "reclaim the garage" day and we packed up the yard sale items away until Sept (my dad had 3/4 of ths stuff there).

Then, it was off to the neighbors for a combo graduation/going away party/shindig. Their eldest just graduated HS and leaves for his new job in the Navy in a couple of weeks. Great food and company.

Yesterday was clean the house and square away the back yard. Yes Jim - I was feeling your pain and my own in that heat. I had to add some indoor/outdoor carpet to the kids playset to protect the swarm of kids that were due in.

Last evening we hosted a cookout for our fledgling Cub Scout pack. We're small (6 kids to start), but we have big plans and excited kids. I'm the Cub Master...and I hope to not regret that decision *grin*.

All in all, a great weekend.


Maurice Ungaro
06-27-2005, 9:44 AM
Spent a lot of time waiting for paint to dry. Seems my wife wants the small little "shoe shelf" that will reside on the back porch (why can't shoes just be happy to sit next to the back door on the porch, orderly ranked and waiting for the next wearing?) to be painted. I'm learning a great deal about painted finishes, like: 1) They are a pain; 2) Lots of prep work; 3) lots of wait time in between coats; 4) ANY imperfection shows, and 5) did I mention they are a pain - the finish that is..

I love my wife.

Matt Meiser
06-27-2005, 9:45 AM
Friday night I ordered a new computer from Dell and then we went over to my parents to visit with them, a family friend, and an uncle visiting from out of town. Saturday was our local WWing club's picnic which was HOT but fun. Sunday my wife, daughter and I went to breakfast before I spent several hours in the shop working on the buffet project. I also picked out the wood for my first for-profit woodworking project, a train table I'm building for a co-worker's neighbor.

Robert Tarr
06-27-2005, 9:58 AM
I got a chance to spend the weekend at home....only the 3rd since we have moved into the hew house (we are talking months here, between weddings, graduation, and all the crud that had to be done at the old house to both move and fix it up for sale.)

So, I spent Saturday morning playing in the gardens and mulling through boxes of shop stuff. I started by putting together my 8" jointer, lathe, 17 inch drill press, and pulled one of my bandsaws upstairs (waiting on a forklift for the MM16 and the cabinet saw, as I am on the second floor of the barn.) Man!!! That stuff is heavy, especially if you are doing it alone. I took back some stuff from the old house to HD and hit Lowe's as well and picked up a few things. Sunday, my bride and I did some running around and tried to stay cool. I installed my new compressor drain, ala, SMC suggestion and put the compressor back together and into service (had to pull the motor and compressor to get it out of the basement.) Made some ice cream and called it a night.

No saw dust, but a very satisfying weekend. It is nice to have some of the parts back together again...I like to think they are happier now.

Have a good week everyone....Headed to AZ. tomorrow for the week....thinking it might "feel" cooler there, with the lack of humidity.


John Miliunas
06-27-2005, 10:12 AM
Not a whole lot, being "crippled up" and all, but did manage to go spend some $$$. Bought our oldest daughter a DVD recorder and Mini DV camcorder, so that she can shoot videos of the baby and burn DVD's to send home to us. Took in a local art fair Sat. and pretty much just veg'd out Sunday. 'Nuther 3+ weeks in the cast, so not a whole lot of WW at this end.:( Hope everyone has a great week!:) :cool:

Scott Coffelt
06-27-2005, 10:53 AM
Took off Friday afternoon to spend the day with my wife on her birthday. took the wife out shopping for her birthday, she didn't like what I bought her I guess.... I did get a new Adams Driver for myself.

Rented movies - two were more kid types (Are We There Yet? and Racing Stripes), watched them as a family... funny. Then watched Hostage, typical Bruce Willis movie, good but predictable.

I bought a Dell DJ (MP3 Jukebox) a month ago and and have been slowly transfering music to the hardrive. So I did some more of that this weekend... currently up to about 3000 songs and 10 gig of files... I figure I am about half way through my CD collection.

Went to the pool and enjoyed the water, getting hot in these parts. Watched a little of the California Nextel race.

Oh WWing wise, I did go to a clients house and measure up a new kitchen and wet bar.

Steve Clardy
06-27-2005, 10:57 AM
Not much shop time. But got the ceramic tile done on the back porch. Now on to some wiring changes, sheetrock, and all that good stuff I hate doing.
Got almost 5 gallons of black berries picked and put in the freezer the last couple days. I think the chiggers like to camp out in the berry patches on our farm also. They seem to be everywhere this year, including on ME!! Lol

John Hart
06-27-2005, 11:02 AM
Spent the weekend looking forward to the Indians beating the Red Sox this week!!:D Just kidding Tim...

Saturday was spent preparing turning blanks, Sunday was dedicated to designing and building a new tool for the lathe....and a picnic. It felt good to relax for a little bit.

Silas Smith
06-27-2005, 11:11 AM
Not much going on this weekend because I had to come into work. I did manage to finish my third bowl since I bought my new lathe. Oh yeah, I also went down to the cutting edge in Houston and they showed me how to use my new Wolverine jig by reshaping my spindle gouge and two bowl gouges. If you ever pass through Houston, stop by these guys because they are top notch.

I thought I had almost conquered the dust collection in my shop until I got a lathe.

Sam Chambers
06-27-2005, 11:45 AM
I continued with my Unisaw project. Thanks to Dev Emch, I got the wiring done, and the saw now has a switch and a plug! Now I just have to get an electrician to come wire my 220v outlet.

Gail O'Rourke
06-27-2005, 11:52 AM
I spent Saturday cleaning my house in the heat so that I could throw my good friend a baby shower who is expecting twin girls....

and I need to ask who has cradle plans/pics, as I promised to build 2 before her due date in late october.

Sunday, I did one of my favorite races with my neice the www.muddybuddy.org

(bike then run then crawl through the mud at the end)

The kids even get to join in...here is me and my son.

ooops, picture too big, I will have to repost it.

Jim O'Dell
06-27-2005, 12:05 PM
Well, I had to work Sat. am, off at 1:00. Worked for about 3.5 hrs in the shop doing electrical, switches, outlets, etc. Sunday, worked in the am on the shop electrical until I ran out of parts. Left the house about 12:30 to pick up supplies and to go to a friend's house to demo the surround from the raised tub she uses for washing her dogs. Got the new material in and braced while the silicone adhesive dries. Will have to go back one evening this week and caulk and reinstall the metal edge trim.
Mounted a couple more electrical boxes, and ran 2 wires when we got back home. Then had to replace the regulator and controls on the gas grill so it would work again. Was it the right part??? NO!! Had to drill out the panel to accept the new controls, and devise a way to anchor it down, but the steak we had marinating for 3 days was GREAT!!!!!!
Will take some pictures and update the shop rehab, maybe this evening.Jim

Don Baer
06-27-2005, 1:09 PM
No shop time this weekend, SHMBO and I went over to Phoenix area to do some house hunting. We are planning to move there for our eventual retirement. We think we found something so there may be a new shop in my future but building the house could take up to a year. The will leave me plenty of time to fix up California house and then put it on the market. That is if the builder can tell me when he will "allow me to buy" a house from him. The funney thing is with the equity I have in the house in CA I'll be paying cash, but he still won't commit to a contract. He says he can't build house fast enough over there as there is a shortage of laborers. :confused:

Mark Cothren
06-27-2005, 2:26 PM
Been trying to help Mark Cothren with his new shop construction and I'm anxious to get in there and get the wiring part under way and finished.

Yep, the shop is a lot closer to done now than it was when we started...:D



Ed Lang
06-27-2005, 2:32 PM
Friday night the fella who helped my wife and I take apart a 100 year old barn stopped by and we loaded my trailer full of beams. Saturday started at 4:30 AM when I took the trailer load of beams to his log cabin building site. Back home by 7:30 and enjoyed a beautiful sunrise over the Blue Ridge Mountains to boot.

Spent the entire day with my wife moving everything in the shop. Nothing is where it was except the sink! We are making room for a new peice of equipment due in August.

Sunday we spent the day in the shop testing the new layout and so far we both like it.

She finished a couple of her projects and I turned one box, two natural edged peices and a small cup.

Now back to work to rest up!

Dave Brandt
06-27-2005, 2:48 PM
Since I've sold the shop (I'll have to replace everything after we relocate), no woodworking is getting done. I did spend all of Saturday (I'm including all night too - seems someone volunteered me to deal blackjack at his all night grad party), graduating my youngest son from high school. So he'll be off to William & Mary in August. His older brother is off to the Air Force Academy this Wednesday. I guess those qualify as gloats!

Jay Kilpatrick
06-27-2005, 3:05 PM
9 hole's of Golf late on Friday afternoon... glad there was a breeze in the 97 deg.F of Ft Worth! Then some grilled pork chops with the family. My Mom is in town to visit... and I did the cooking! That's okay, we'll have some fried chicken (ala Mom) tonight. MMMMMmmmmmm!

After that I went on a date with the wifey (second time since our little girl came along 6 months ago). We went to Billy Bob's with a co-worker. NOT used to that environment, I guess I've been out of the game as LOML got a kick out of me yawning at about 1000 p.m. (before the entertainment came on...)

Saturday went by with some Daddy and kids time (LOML used the Spa package that was received for Mother's Day) and then we went out to dinner a local mexican restaurant with friends and then a movie.

Sunday was a day of rest; train tour from Grapevine, Tx down to the stockyards for lunch and then return after Mammaw had properly spoiled the kids with candy, toys, etc.

No woodworking, but I did start to read the manual for the RIDGID TS 3650 I picked up last week so I can put it together when the wifey goes on vacation this week. The kids go to bed at 8:00, then its daddy time! Son has been wanting a bed that looks more boy like than the daybed he currently uses. A tablesaw is a good place to start.

Ohhhh... I'm just finding my way back here after a bit. Lost my password and username. FINALLY got a round-tuit and sent an email to Jackie... instantly reconnected! Glad I found my way back. Oh yeah, I know... picture police... I'll work on it.

Timo Christ
06-27-2005, 3:11 PM
The GF was at the beach on the weekend, so i had time to get some stuff done at home :)
Started building a drawer cabinet for the kitchen, it's not fine woodworking by any stretch, but it will get the job done. The carcass is done and i'll work on the drawers this week after work. I like building drawers much more than doors... the doors are still missing on my wardrobe...
Also ordered a new HT receiver..

John Shuk
06-27-2005, 8:57 PM
Turned a couple small projects. Sent the boys to the MIL's overnight Sat and threw a heckuva good cocktail adults only party. Drank alot of Mojito's. My new favorite drink. Recovered Sunday and went to see Batman Begins. I liked it alot. They did a great job on it. Back to work today.

Vaughn McMillan
06-27-2005, 9:01 PM
Got a little shop time in over the weekend...cut a hole in my home made TS extension and set it up as a router table; much nicer than the little tabletop Sears jobbie I've been using. I also ripped up a bunch of material for cutting boards that have been ordered (and some extra material for future orders as well), and glued up a few. I got a chance to put my new "Gripper" to the test ripping a bucketload of 1/8" wide strips of 3/4" maple, walnut, purpleheart and bloodwood. It really does work as advertised, and I still have all ten fingers.

The rest of the weekend was spent doing odds and ends around the house (enjoying the beautiful low 80's weather...sorry all you Easterners who were burning up this weekend). I also worked a bit on a little woodworking website I'm putting together for myself. I'll let all the Creekers know when the site's up and running.

- Vaughn

Lee DeRaud
06-27-2005, 9:10 PM
Finished (finally) a gift for my mom's upcoming birthday: she wanted a way to display some of my late father's Air Force insignia. The little round one FYI is a "Mach 2" pin from when he flew F4's. Frame is oak with wenge trim, insignia are set into a layer of acrylic which also has the lettering, solid layer of acrylic over the top. Background is flame mahogany veneer.

John Miliunas
06-27-2005, 9:19 PM
That is really neat, Lee, though you should just initiate a thread with your work there! (Not everyone keeps track of the Weekend thing...). I'm sure she'll be pleased and honored to receive that beautiful display!:) :cool:

Lee DeRaud
06-27-2005, 9:30 PM
That is really neat, Lee, though you should just initiate a thread with your work there! (Not everyone keeps track of the Weekend thing...). I'm sure she'll be pleased and honored to receive that beautiful display!:) :cool:Wasn't sure where else to put it: not everybody keeps track of the laser forum either.:p

And it was pretty much my only accomplishment this weekend, just vegged out mostly otherwise. I did some yard work Saturday morning, but given the state of my yard, I don't count that as an "accomplishment".:eek:

Tim Brewers
06-27-2005, 9:40 PM
Finally got around to throw together a mantle for the house. Built it Saturday night, pretty much copied the mantles we use at work. This one was $400 cheaper though. as you can see, I used the vac to hold it in place for the pic. :)


With a little stain sprayed on,



John Cavanaugh
06-27-2005, 10:18 PM
Ripped, Jointed, Planed a bunch of wood for my bench/table project.

Sanded a bunch of baseboards in preparation for a coat of paint with my new HVLP gun... Im ready to work on painting & installing the baseboards over the 4th of July weekend now that I have my compressor back from repair.

John Cavanaugh

Joseph O'Leary
06-27-2005, 11:11 PM
Great weekend with my wife and sons. Yard work, friends over for dinner. Oh yeah a little shop time, almost completed the monkey bars for the kids playset.:)

Bart Leetch
06-28-2005, 1:34 AM
Spent time resting on Saturday because my back acted up again. But in the evening & 4 1/2 hours on Sunday afternoon I went out & work on my boat trailer. This trailer is sprung like the old buggies or a Model T or Model A with 1 leaf spring across the trailer & the axel underneath it. The bushings were worn out & the rods running forward from the axel & up to the trailer frame were rusted & just about shot.

I couldn't get any bushings to fit it so I purchased some bigger neoprene ones & put them on the lathe & turned them down. :D

The rods were just pipe smashed flat on both ends & drilled to be bolted to the axel & trailer frame. I didn't like this arrangement because water getting trapped in the pipe caused it to rust through. I slotted the ends of some pipe & welded in some 1/4" x 1 1/2" metal & bent & drilled it to fit & primed & painted & installed it. The ends of the pipe around the 1/4" metal are still open.

I guess I can't complain the trailer was manufactured in 1955. But is just right for the light 14' aluminum boat that it hauls.

Tonight I pulled the hubs off the axles & pulled the bearings out & washed & cleaned them. I'll repack them tomorrow night & re-install them along with the buddy greasing system.

I'm hoping to take the LOML & hit the lakes over the 4th of July weekend & do some fishing.

Michael Gabbay
06-28-2005, 8:12 AM
I had a fairly productive weekend.

Saturday I did yard work before it got really hot. Then I took the kids to the pool for the afternoon.

Sunday I worked some on the bathroom vanity for the bathroom remodel I'm doing. And back to the pool with the kids!

I took Monday off and worked on some tiling for the shower surround and also worked on the vanity.
