View Full Version : Some Accomplishments

Ray Bersch
06-27-2005, 6:19 AM
Well it seems that I am finally getting this shingles virus under control. I was able to help my son-in-law with some crown molding this weekend AND keep the pain under control, which is a major accomplishment for me since I came down with this stuff.

So, I am going to head up to Maine for a few weeks and see if I can shake the virus totally - fishing usually cures anything. But before I go, I thought I show you what I was able to get done in my new townhouse - well its new to me but it is 17 years old and a typical "bare minimums" finish type of construction. So I added a few custom touches - six inch base molding all around, added a back band on all door casings, trimmed the opening between the living room and dining room, put in some chair rail details and crown molding in the dining room. In the living room, which has a vaulted ceiling, I built a book case from material I brought from my prior home.

When I get back I need to finish the trim out on the first floor and get some cabinets made for the laundry and then attack my wife's office - built-ins and new trim, fireplace mantle.

By the way, these photo's have been made possible by the acquisition of a digital project documenter from Jim Becker - I have finally been able to get some time to play with it and it is great.

My net connection in Maine is a slow dial-up, but if I can, I'll sen off some pics of an eight pound bass I intend to catch (yea, right.)

John Hart
06-27-2005, 6:36 AM
Oh I like that moulding Ray. Sheesh...that's what I needed to do to my house a few years ago. It would have been a perfect fit. Maybe the next house.:rolleyes:

Very nice. Catch a big one!

Gail O'Rourke
06-27-2005, 7:33 AM

Your moulding work is great, what a beautiful home and your taste is excellent. The list of to-do's never end.

Tell me more about the library bookcase. I love it and my sister wants something like this. Did you buy the hardware from rockler and make the ladder? It is gorgeous. I would love to do something like this for myself also, perhaps you have inspired me.

Ken Fitzgerald
06-27-2005, 8:52 AM
Great work Ray! I, too, like that library bookcase!

Sorry to hear about the "shingles". My wife suffered with that for a while. Terrible stuff! Good luck with it!

Jim Becker
06-27-2005, 9:00 AM
The place is looking wonderful, Ray. I definitely need to stop by and see it in person one of these days when I'm "entertaining customers" at corporate headquarters just around the corner from you...and you are also in town.

Richard Wolf
06-27-2005, 5:47 PM
Glad your feeling better. Great work, looks like a pro job.


Jerry Olexa
06-27-2005, 9:26 PM
Ray that is really excellent work. I especially like the bookcase. Nice clean look. Good job! And good Pics! My Dad had shingles his last few years and I recall him saying (he seldom complained) about the pain level being very high,. Hang in there. Enjoy your trip to Maine...That'll cure anything.:)

Ray Bersch
06-28-2005, 7:00 AM
Sorry for the delay in responding - yesterday was not a good day but gosh, I am flattered to no end with all the comments - when pro's say the work looks like a pro I kinda choke up inside - thanks for the compliments and good wishes.

To John Hart - send the wife and kids on vacation clean out the rooms and do it - you will be glad you did and if comments from my neighbors - including my Realtor - are any indication, you will add value to your home.

Jim Becker - you are welcome anytime - I hope to come back from Maine by mid month to complete the first floor trim and get started on the other stuff, I'll be ready as soon as I catch that eight pound bass - just give me a call - besides, its time you bought something from me - or at least deliver whatever it is I buy from you next!!

Gail O'Rourke - the ladder is from Putnam Ladder in NYC. I bought it in the mid-80's and it was installed in my former home - I was actively building up-scale homes at the time and had a friend do the mill work for the risers and shelves - 5/4 oak - I disassembled it when we moved - what you see is about half of the original size - when I brought it here I added the base, crown and flutes. Obviously, it is built in place. It was difficult for me because I did it alone - the risers were 10' long and very heavy. It was originally floor to ceiling without a base and crown - it now stands about eight and a half feet total - I had to cut it down to keep it in proper proportion.

I have the rest of the material just waiting for me to find a use for it - probably in my wife's office - she needs lots more book shelves - or maybe I'll sell it to Jim Becker to help even out the balance of trade.

Ken Fitzgerald - I like your motto. Over the door from my garage/shop I have hung a license plate frame that reads "He who dies with the most toys wins." I used to have it on the front plate of my truck but when Malcolm Forbes died I took it off - he won! He was a local resident and I had several occasions to visit his home (estate) he had more toys than you can imagine.

Thanks again to all.


Steve Inniss
06-28-2005, 9:40 AM
Ray, ...superb. -Steve