View Full Version : The mother-in-law plane

Moses Yoder
05-13-2014, 6:32 PM
I have the rare blessing of a wonderful mother-in-law (MIL). She is a beautiful woman both in looks and character. Just as an example the other day we stopped in and she handed me a box of chocolate covered coffee beans. What more could you possibly want in a MIL? I have been collecting tools since about the year 2000, after I got on the web and stepped into this fascinating world. I trained my wife well; she actually knows what I mean when I say "brace". When we are talking to someone and they refer to a brace as a drill she just looks at me and smiles. One day I found out that this was rubbing off on my MIL. I came home one day about 10 years ago and she was there. She handed me a plane and I asked where she got it. She said she saw it at a garage sale and held it up and asked "How much?" They replied "One dollar!" She brought it home. It was very rusty, totally covered with surface rust but not pitted except for a little on the sole. It was a Stanley 4 Square, the junior jack size (5-1/4). Over the next couple weeks I worked at restoring it. I stripped what little japanning was left and sent it through an electrolysis bath. I re-japanned it, waxed it, and put a rosewood knob and tote on it. The picture sucks because of the lighting, I couldn't justify the time to do it right. Here it is in all its glory, the $1 mother-in-law plane.


Jim Sevey
05-13-2014, 6:34 PM
You are a lucky man indeed.

Juan Hovey
05-13-2014, 10:26 PM
Moses - She is a blessing in your life. Would that all mothers in law were so.

Matthew N. Masail
05-14-2014, 8:27 AM
My Mother in Law receives packages from tool stores, she puts them away until someone is coming to Israel and then she sends what she can with them! without her, I'd be largely tool-less.