View Full Version : turquoise for inlay

Paul Gilbert
05-11-2014, 3:55 PM
When searching for a source of turquoise to grind up and use to fill cracks in wooden vessels I found several types for sale.
What should I use for this purpose?
Stabilized? Will the epoxy used for stabilization interfere with the grinding/crushing operation and then rebounding with epoxy or CA glue?
Floor sweepings? - these seem to be mostly stabilized
Block cut offs? These seem to be stabilized rock that has been pressed into slabs.
The real, unadulterated turquoise?
Does color enhancement make any difference?
Could I just dye some ground white marble?

I know there are a lot of questions here. Maybe I should just ask where do you get yours and what kind do you use.

Jak Kelly
05-11-2014, 4:33 PM
I would also like to know the answer to this question.

Brian Kent
05-11-2014, 6:08 PM
This is a non-answer from a minimum of experience. I have used the crushed turquoise and then powdered turquoise for finer cracks. I have been very happy with it. I have no comparisons as this is all I have used.

Bruce Hoffman
05-11-2014, 8:55 PM
Stabilized turquoise can cost $125-140-226 per pound and unstabilized costs more in the range of $90 per lb.

Since you will be crushing any form of stones into grit and powder and adding epoxy it would be advantageous to start with unstabilized or even chalky material which will improve with the epoxy and look like fine natural or stabilized in the end, as well as being much more economical.

Good luck

Bill Bukovec
05-11-2014, 10:00 PM
Floor sweepings from Colbaugh Processing has floor sweepings . I think they are $60 for two pounds.

A coffee grinder from Goodwill seems to grind them up pretty well.

Good luck,
