View Full Version : Anti Fog solution

Reed Gray
05-04-2014, 2:02 PM
Well, I do a lot of swimming, and have the age old problem of foggy goggles. Many will put some saliva/spit on the goggles, and that helps keep it down. For me, it may last 2 laps. Well, I tried a Speedo (no, I don't wear one, scary!) which works really well. Composition is exxene AF-091 (what ever that is) at 75%, and water at 25%. It kept my goggles fog free for a whole work out, about 45 minutes. Not sure if it would work on face masks or not, but that was always a problem for me, and yes, I do know all the 'hot air' jokes.....

robo hippy

Eric Gourieux
05-04-2014, 11:22 PM
Are you planning on using it on your face shield? If so, let us know how it works. My face shield came with anti-fog coating, but the instructions say not to rub the inside while it is wet. Well, that's ok for awhile, but eventually it needs to be cleaned and not just rinsed. I have noticed that the anti-fog effect is waning.

Reed Gray
05-04-2014, 11:38 PM
Well, I almost never use a face shield. That is in part because I always fog them up unless they are tipped really far away from my face. I should apply it and see. After day 2, it still keeps my goggles fog free, and I swim about a mile each day. 'Carefully apply sufficient liquid to coat the inside of the lens surface, then rinse and allow to dry. Do not rub lens once dry. Apply as needed.'

robo hippy