View Full Version : Rip Capacity Question

David Huston
04-21-2014, 4:11 PM
I currently have an old Craftsman TS with a Vega Pro fence with 52" rip capacity but I just bough a Grizzly G1023SL off craigslist. The new saw has the standard rails and I am wondering if I should buy the longer rails for it. I have the room for it in the garage and I usually move the saw outside to cut anyway. Right now the only time I use the extra capacity is crosscutting long pieces, usually Face frame pieces and cabinet sides, bottoms, nailers etc. I use a crosscut sled and a spacer block clamped to the fence to get very easily repeatable cuts and I feel I would definitely miss that. Any thoughts?

Alan Schwabacher
04-21-2014, 4:16 PM
Why buy a new fence? Why not just swap the two fences you have? There's nothing wrong with a Vega pro.

glenn bradley
04-21-2014, 4:26 PM
I assume he wants to keep the C-man as is otherwise, I too would just put the Vego on the 1023(?).

David Huston
04-21-2014, 5:25 PM
I like the Vega Fence for the most part but since I usually roll the saw outside to cut (garage shop no dust collection) I was thinking of building a fold-down outfeed table and the Vega would interfere with that.

John Sanford
04-21-2014, 9:44 PM
How would the Vega interfere? You should be able to do a folder with some standoff.

scott spencer
04-22-2014, 5:29 AM
The G1023SL is a left tilt saw, so you're not likely to ever need any rip capacity on the left side of hte blade. Have you considered sliding the stock rails more to the right....you can easily gain about 10" capacity (http://lumberjocks.com/knotscott/blog/34563).