View Full Version : Fiddle-back Maple Platter

Steve Doerr
04-18-2014, 6:31 PM
This platter is made from a piece of fiddle back maple. The rim is dyed with Chestnut Dye. The pictures don’t do justice to the chatoyance that is visible on both the front and back side. I used a process to finish the platter that is different than I normally use. Since this was highly figured wood, I tried a process that Jimmy Clewes described in a FW article. After finish sanding to 600 I used Bulls Eye sanding sealer (Not sure what cut of shellac it is.) Once dried I then applied 3 coats of my regular dipping oil to finish the hollowed portion of the platter as well as the backside. When this was dry I then applied the dye to the rim of the platter. Top coat was rattle can lacquer with Bealle buffed. The platter is 10 5/8” W x 2” H. C & C welcomed.

Greg McClurg
04-18-2014, 6:36 PM
Great job Steve. I'm actually working on one myself. What colors did you use for the rim?


Steve Doerr
04-18-2014, 6:54 PM
Thanks Greg. I used the Chestnut blue, even though the picture makes it look just a shade green.

charlie knighton
04-18-2014, 8:09 PM
great piece Steve.....I have seen Jimmy demo that turning.......

why does blue dye turn green.....is it something in the wood??????

Steve Doerr
04-18-2014, 8:36 PM
Charlie, it's more the picture that makes it look green than the actual turning.

Thom Sturgill
04-18-2014, 8:44 PM
I would assume your backfrop is grey not brown. Here is a color corrected version:
I used GIMP, but any software that will let you set the white level will work.

Nice turning, though I would hesitate to call that 'fiddleback' maple. Curly yes, but not sufficiently so to make a really nice fiddle. My father was a violin, banjo, and guitar maker, and I made one complete one myself. Google 'Sturgill Guitar' for pictures of some of his work.

Steve Doerr
04-19-2014, 1:32 PM
Thom, thanks for the photo correction. That is the correct color. I'll have to check out GIMP.

Peter Blair
04-20-2014, 10:05 AM
Wonderful platter/bowl. It is a really small world because just like you and Grieg I too am making a similar one and using JC's FWW article in an attempt to keep the line between the colour and the wood nice and clean. I know that the original photo was off colour but I like both the blue and the emerald green. Can't decide what colour I'm going to attempt.

Jak Kelly
04-20-2014, 4:22 PM
One word - "stunning"!!!!!!