View Full Version : LAX area turner wood alert

Robert Edington
04-13-2014, 10:37 PM
I flew into LAX and had to go to San Anna on the 405. While heading south, I was looking east at about mile marker 23 (Big construction zone), just about a mile north of Seal Beach Blvd. There was a large tree down. They are building a large interchange there and this tree is near a bridge, but up by the roadway. It was 18-24" in diameter. What caught my eye was the trunk looked like a corkscrew. I don't know what kind of tree it is, but if I lived around here I'd be checking it out. I think it might be Cypress. I think it was kinda smooth. It is located on the east side of 405,and on the north side of the east/west roadway which goes over the 405.
It might be great, it might be a bust. But it sure looked interesting to me, but I'm from Texas.

Brian Kent
04-14-2014, 12:21 AM
One very common tree here is Eucalyptus. The trunks are often twisty. They grow like weeds until they fall or are removed. Beautiful colors of wood, if you don't mind every piece splitting apart. :rolleyes: