View Full Version : My new TLT DT Saw!

Leigh Betsch
04-12-2014, 10:11 AM
After Klaus got wood allergies I though my hopes for a Two Lawyers saw was dead. But Pedder sent me a pm a while ago and this came in the mail a few weeks ago. It looks just great! The handle is German plumb, it has beautiful reds and yellows running thru it. The back is oval and sculpted to blend to the tote. I'm not any good at cutting dovetails, in fact I've done almost everything to avoid cutting them by hand, but now I will learn.

Here is a pic but if you want a good look you should go to The TLT blog and see some fantastic pics. I don't think I'm allowed to post a link to their blog but I think this should help you find it. two-lawyers-toolworks.blogspot

thanks a bunch Klaus and Pedder!