View Full Version : segmented,burnt, beaded,and with a ribbon finial

jwjerry w kowalski
04-09-2014, 10:28 AM
Here's a segmented box made from cherry and walnut with a burnt and beaded lid. I like the way it came out, but I'll probably redo the lid, the bowl is 12 divisions and the lid I made into 14 divisions, one of those senior moments I suppose, didn't even realize it until I had it all done. It won't be right away though I have to get over the frustration of doing something so foolish.286812286813286815

Steve Peterson
04-09-2014, 1:50 PM
That is an incredible looking box. I like everything about it. The colors work well together. I like the way that the lid has a different pitch than the base. I would keep the lid with 14 segments.


Duane Meadows
04-09-2014, 2:34 PM
I agree with Steve, I like it as is. Very nice work!

Scott Lux
04-09-2014, 4:10 PM
I'm with them. The lid is great. The different numbers force the eye to look for resolution. It gives it a sense of movement.

Thom Sturgill
04-09-2014, 4:39 PM
I think that if the lid were 12 sections, you would be upset if someone removed the lid and did not line the segments back up:eek:. I know I would:D!

I also agree with the 'sense of movement' statement.

jwjerry w kowalski
04-09-2014, 6:29 PM
I feel better already, I didn't think about the sense of movement it gives it and what Thom Sturgill said about constantly trying to align the segments if they were both 12 on 12. Thanks guys.

Paul Engle
04-09-2014, 8:11 PM
..... So that's where my "segmented,burnt, beaded,and with a ribbon finial " went to ... Nice work !!!

Pat Scott
04-10-2014, 9:59 AM
Agreed, I wouldn't touch the lid. I like them being different, and as I was looking at the pictures I was thinking it might look funny if the lid and base were the same. Hadn't thought about trying to line up the segments, but Thom has a point. Well done!