View Full Version : Easter Cup #2 (Lily)

David DeCristoforo
04-07-2014, 1:05 PM
Easter is like Christmas in a lot of ways. Both carry enormous religious significance. And both have to do with the bringing of light into the darkness. Unfortunately, both have also been heavily commercialized and encumbered with Disneyesque overtones that are intended to inspire people to spend money. These two days are also alike in that they are much more enjoyable when there are little children around. Easter is a day for parades and Easter egg hunts, Easter dresses and bonnets. bright colors and other things that always bring delight into the eyes of children.

Easter is also a day for flowers. Especially lilies. There's nothing that says "Easter" like a lily. That was the "inspiration" for this year's Easter cup. I have to acknowledge that my work pales in comparison to Mother Nature's. So I'll still be buying my wife some real lilies. But this one might last a bit longer and remind us in some small way of the joy and beauty of nature.

I have a bad habit of starting things two days before I need to get them done. Then I have to rush the work to finish it on time. This time I got a good jump on it. Only three tries this time! The first one looked more like an exploded big toe than a lily. The second one was going pretty good until I forgot about that little tail sticking out the side and got the tool rest a bit too close. That produced some very interestingly shaped shards to add to my ever growing collection.

I should note that out of all the lilies I looked at before attempting this, not one had perfectly even curves or perfectly smooth transitions from one element to another. So I tried to emulate this imperfect quality while still maintaing a "true" form. As with most of the things I make, by the time I had finished this I had completely lost sight of it. So any comments and/or critiques are most welcome.


Scott Lux
04-07-2014, 2:13 PM
What comment can there be beyond "WOW!!!"

Doug Ladendorf
04-07-2014, 2:15 PM
Extraordinary David. Just beautiful.

Michelle Rich
04-07-2014, 2:51 PM
lovely & graceful.

charlie knighton
04-07-2014, 2:54 PM
great subject matter, like the wing......

phil harold
04-07-2014, 3:29 PM
What comment can there be beyond "WOW!!!"
My first response was DARN!
but WOW is better!

Richard Coers
04-07-2014, 4:11 PM
Seems like a hard conflict between the stem and the flower. All your effort and comments about the "true" and the imperfection of the bloom, stuck on top of a stick. I would have enjoyed a gentle curve in the stick.

Sid Matheny
04-07-2014, 4:15 PM
Well I love it and a WOW from me too! Would like to see a pic of the inside.


Jon Nuckles
04-07-2014, 4:38 PM
That is really impressive, but I would also like to see the exploded big toe version.

Thomas Heck
04-07-2014, 5:47 PM
Nice job! One of a kind.

Paul Engle
04-07-2014, 6:15 PM
Matthew 6.28-29 " ... Consider the lilies of the field , how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin: And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these." Yep , I think you got it David !

vs 33; But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness: and all these things shall be added unto you . "

Dennis Nagle
04-07-2014, 6:29 PM
Say more about how you turned this, it is beautiful.

Doug Ladendorf
04-07-2014, 7:09 PM
Matthew 6.28-29 " ... Consider the lilies of the field..." Might as well bring in Pete Seeger and Ecclesiastes: To everything (turn turn turn) there is a season (turn turn turn)...


Doug Herzberg
04-08-2014, 8:34 AM
David, I like the bloom, I'm curious about how you did it, including the paint specks at the bottom, I wish for more photos from different angles, and the transition from stem to cup seemed wrong, as Richard mentioned. I started looking at images like this: http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/114/3/b/easter_lily_2_by_xenomorph1138-d3esxqf.jpg. I think if you had tried to replicate the transition Nature came up with it wouldn't look that great either. Plus, in nature the bloom shoots off at an angle and that just wouldn't have worked.

I am awed, as always by your work. Thanks for posting.

Thom Sturgill
04-08-2014, 9:47 AM
David, as always a beautiful piece, though I do have to agree with Doug's comments.

Jak Kelly
04-08-2014, 5:08 PM
Very nice work!

mike ash
04-08-2014, 6:16 PM
Another museum quality piece!!! Great work DD.

Mike Ash

Mike Null
04-09-2014, 6:41 AM
Exactly the reason I sold my lathe!:)

Lovely work.

jwjerry w kowalski
04-09-2014, 7:40 AM
Beautiful work, the carving looks very labor intensive and skillful.