View Full Version : Joint-Making Jig for Festool Router

John Stevens
06-23-2005, 1:52 AM
A week or so ago I mentioned that I'd be posting text and pics regarding a joint-making jig for the Festool router and guide rail. Text can be found on the Festool Owners' Group

The photos to which the text refers are in the photos section. I welcome any constructive criticism or other suggestions you might have for how to improve the fixture, but kindly post them over on the Festool Owners' Group, where things are unlikely to devolve into another F vs E debacle. Thanks.

BTW, if anyone here owns Festool tools and isn't checking in at the Festool Owner's Group regularly, you're missing some good info. Very collegial and supportive atmosphere, just like SMC.

John Stevens
06-23-2005, 2:50 PM
I just saw that my original post had to be edited by the moderator because of the direct link to another public forum. I must not have read the TOS carefully enough when I joined here, and I apoligize to Hampton Roads Online, the host of Saw Mill Creek. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Hampton Roads for making SMC possible, and Ken Salisbury for his outstanding efforts as moderator. I am sorry that I added to his workload.

I hope this doesn't seem coy, but if I may be allowed to post this, the Festool Owners' Group, where I posted the text and photos, may be found by doing a search for "festool" over at groups.yahoo

I would have preferred to have posted the text and photos of my fixture here on SMC, and had originally edited the text and photos to do so, because technical advantages at SMC regarding the posting of photos would have made the info more easily understood than the format in which it is currently posted on the other forum.

However, in light of recent threads on SMC regarding Festool, I believe that it was likely that my information, if posted here, would generate more "F vs E" arguments and distract people from the info on how to build and use the fixture.

Jim Becker
06-23-2005, 2:59 PM
John, please post your pictures. As always, if some individual "misbehaves", Ken will deal with it--it's not your responsiblity to worry about it! In the mean time, the rest of the community will benefit greatly from your ideas. There is absolutely NO reason to avoid any topic appropriate to a woodworking forum. Thanks in advance.

Keith Hooks
06-23-2005, 3:04 PM
Yes, please post them! I'm too lazy to head over to the other forum :)

Jay Knoll
06-23-2005, 6:00 PM

Yes, please post! I think that there is a lot of great information shared by that group, but personally I hate the user interface provided by Yahoo. Guess I am spoiled by the software that SMC uses. So, I'm an infrequent visitor -- I know my loss.

Frankly, I would be overjoyed if that group moved over to this forum, perhaps we could set up a private forum like the one the NH group has.

I'd pay to have access to a private forum where we could learn more about Festool products


Ken Salisbury
06-23-2005, 10:59 PM
Yes - please do post the photos

Frank Pellow
06-24-2005, 7:55 AM
The pictures and text on this topic have now been merged into a Word document on Yahoo with the pictures interpersed at appropriate places. For those willing to briefly put up with Yahoo, just go to the Files section in the Festool Owners Group and open the folder entitles "Jigs and Fixtures for Festool Tools".

I really like the way the text and pictures are interspersed and one way to do this on Saw Mill Creek is to ask Aaron to make this into an article. A few months ago, I suggested that we kill the Articles forum becuase very little was happening there. The decision was that we wanted to keep and encouarge the use of that Forum. But, no new articles have been added. I think that it would be good if an article on this jig were to be added. Maybe that were spur others to write articles.

06-24-2005, 1:53 PM
However, in light of recent threads on SMC regarding Festool, I believe that it was likely that my information, if posted here, would generate more "F vs E" arguments and distract people from the info on how to build and use the fixture.

I have to admit, I'm hesitant to post (or even read) threads regarding the F and E brands here anymore. But, I did open this thread hoping the text and pics would be merged. Now that I see it's in a word doc at the FOG, I'll check that out.


Chris Padilla
06-24-2005, 2:24 PM
Can someone just grab the article and post it here? I'm so lazy and I hate Yahoo! Groups format with a passion. It is unfortunate that Yahoo continues with that archaic format....

Frank Pellow
06-24-2005, 2:29 PM
Can someone just grab the article and post it here? I'm so lazy and I hate Yahoo! Groups format with a passion. It is unfortunate that Yahoo continues with that archaic format....
I believe that one needs to send the material for the article to Aaron, then he will do some "magic" and post it. The material should be in the form of an html document.

Christian Aufreiter
06-24-2005, 2:32 PM
As far as I know you can upload word documents without any troubles, it's like uploading pics. But IMO that's up to John as it's HIS article.



Chris Padilla
06-24-2005, 4:33 PM
As far as I know you can upload word documents without any troubles, it's like uploading pics. But IMO that's up to John as it's HIS article.




Yep...that was the gist of my post...a lil' nudge to John.... ;)

John Stevens
06-24-2005, 4:53 PM
IMO that's up to John as it's HIS article.

At this point, it's accessible on the web, it's got integrated photos & text, and people here at SMC know where they can find it--that's all I care about. If anybody wants to post the info here or elsewhere, it's fine with me, but significant value was added by Mark Chamness, who assembled the photos and text into one document. IMO, anyone who wants to post the article here should give him the courtesy of asking his permission. He can be reached at the Festool Owners' Group....