View Full Version : New "Bench" From Lee Valley

Dave Richards
04-01-2014, 7:52 AM
Looks pretty cool. (http://www.leevalley.com/US/wood/page.aspx?p=71736&cat=1) I ordered mine today!

Prashun Patel
04-01-2014, 7:54 AM
This one's a little over-the-top, but the 'extra dog holes pack of 10 - FREE' killed me.

04-01-2014, 7:57 AM
April first huh? o.k. I get it, ordered the 10- pack for family and friends too!:)

Frank Bizley
04-01-2014, 8:33 AM
From the dweeby guy in the picks its a nice April fool if you ask me.

David Hawxhurst
04-01-2014, 8:46 AM
thats a pretty elobrate april fools joke.

John Schweikert
04-01-2014, 9:13 AM
From the dweeby guy in the picks its a nice April fool if you ask me.

I like your comment.

We moved into our house ten years ago into an "up and coming neighborhood". Since then our neighborhood has become THE most desirable in our city. Every dude in his 20's and 30's who now frequents our hood looks just like that "dweeby guy". They're the new hipsters around here.

Jim German
04-01-2014, 10:10 AM
Wow, thats an impressive april fools joke.

Mel Fulks
04-01-2014, 10:22 AM
That's the type that they use in zero gravity space vehicles ,they save space.

Bill White
04-01-2014, 10:40 AM
I've ordered the extra dog holes.:p

Pat Barry
04-01-2014, 10:55 AM
Now I'm sure that planing in that orientation will put more load on the web of your hand. LOL

On a serious note, I do like the STOP idea for hanging up my tools. I wonder what those would actually cost?

Rod Sheridan
04-01-2014, 11:12 AM
Looks pretty cool. (http://www.leevalley.com/US/wood/page.aspx?p=71736&cat=1) I ordered mine today!

Only available until noon of course...........Rod.

Chuck Darney
04-01-2014, 11:37 AM
For previous year's "Special Offerings" type "afd" in the search box while on the site. There are some good ones.

Lee Schierer
04-01-2014, 11:43 AM
I could see where the bench would be handy for a small garage work shop, even better if it could fold down to the horizontal for those rare occasions when you would want to work on a flat surface. The price is a bit out of my range though.

The rolling tool wall idea should have been saved for next year.

Ryan Mooney
04-01-2014, 12:17 PM
The one April Fools I look forward to every year! Cheers it was another good one (although few things can beat the Dodeca Guage in my book).

David Nelson1
04-01-2014, 1:08 PM
I like it I like it. Gonna get one for the missus tu! ;)

glenn bradley
04-01-2014, 1:12 PM
And to think I wasted all that time making my own.

Scott Mark
04-01-2014, 1:14 PM
It never fails. Every month I save up some tool funds. I dream of purchasing the magical tool that will complete my woodworking shop like the JMPv2 from BridgeCity Tools. It would simplify or solve almost all my troubles. Inevitability, Lee Valley comes out with a tool that grabs my eye. It's so practical and thought out I would be punishing myself if I didn't buy it. It never fails!

Side Note: Watching videos of what some people can do with the JMPv2 is amazing. I'm never going to be one of those people.

C. Scott Mark

Doug Ladendorf
04-01-2014, 1:40 PM
The mustache is my favorite part.

Rod Sheridan
04-01-2014, 1:40 PM
And to think I wasted all that time making my own.

On the subject of time


Regards, Rod.

James Baker SD
04-01-2014, 2:53 PM
Do the dogholes fit only the VOUBO? My current bench could use some more.

Bill Huber
04-01-2014, 3:10 PM
I was going to order one but then got to thinking I don't have a dog so I really don't see the point. I guess the question is could a cat use the holes?

Rod Sheridan
04-01-2014, 3:15 PM
Do the dogholes fit only the VOUBO? My current bench could use some more.

Although the dog holes were free, shipping turned out to be problematic.

Any container you put the holes suddenly looked like a collander, so had to stop selling them.

Garth Almgren
04-01-2014, 3:38 PM
thats a pretty elobrate april fools joke.
What impresses me is that they say that each and every one of their AFD products is actually functional (http://www.leevalley.com/us/home/page.aspx?p=71760). That's real commitment!

Frank Bizley
04-01-2014, 4:15 PM
I like your comment.

We moved into our house ten years ago into an "up and coming neighborhood". Since then our neighborhood has become THE most desirable in our city. Every dude in his 20's and 30's who now frequents our hood looks just like that "dweeby guy". They're the new hipsters around here.

Lock up your daughter, imagine if she brought him home and said but he does woodwork dad. :D

Gary Muto
04-01-2014, 5:18 PM
It's a great concept, I especially like the DUST tray and the "Gravity (included)".

Garrett Ellis
04-01-2014, 5:59 PM
i love it. my favorite parts are at 1:24 with glue dripping everywhere and at 1:43, showing the ridiculous number of hold downs needed to secure a board. LOL

Frederick Skelly
04-01-2014, 9:09 PM
Man, if this had come out yesterday we coulda got a partial break on shipping. Bummer. Glad the dog holes are pretty light!

Rick Potter
04-02-2014, 1:32 AM
You mean it was a joke? Awww, no wonder I couldn't get it ordered.

Keith Weber
04-02-2014, 12:08 PM
It sounded like Marc Spagnuolo's voice in the video (the WoodWhisperer).

Peter Quinn
04-02-2014, 12:19 PM
I already have a bench, so I tried to order two packs of dog holes but the shipping was astronomical. I'm thinking there may be a patent infringement on the "Murphy bench". Of course with that one you can use it in the down position to sleep on when you are in the dog house with the Mrs.

Greg Hines, MD
04-02-2014, 3:12 PM
Very interesting. The first thing I noticed was that he has a handlebar mustache. The second thing I noticed was that the guy in the video seems to be having trouble not laughing his ass off. That kind of frivolity in the workshop is bound to cause problems with the finished product.
