View Full Version : Gast pump running hot

Jim Leslie
03-31-2014, 6:54 PM
I've researched a lot on the Gast pump and the consensus seems that it normally runs quite hot. I just picked up an almost new one - probably has 3 hours of running time before I bought it. Essentially brand new. It does get pretty warm!! I do let a small amount of air through while turning, but after about 5-10 minutes, it is (to me anyway) hotter than I had expected it to be. It's probably not a worry based on all I have read wrt the reliability of Gast pumps, and that is not my biggest concern. What I am concerned about is getting carried away turning something, and the thermal protection kicking in at an "inopportune" moment. Has it happened to anyone? Does anyone run it for a few minutes after turning to cool it or is that step really necessary?

Steve Schlumpf
03-31-2014, 7:12 PM
Jim, I have been using my Gast pump for quite some time and I have never had the pump goes into thermal overload. There are a number of threads here on the Creek that deal with Gast pumps but this one may be of interest to you: Shut Down Procedure (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?103779-Shut-Down-Procedure-for-GAST-Rotary-Vane-Pumps)

Scott Hackler
04-01-2014, 12:14 AM
My Gast pump runs hot enough that I wouldn't keep my fingers on it for more than 1 second! I thought something was wrong, but was informed that Gast pumps run real hot and the rotary vane ones (like mine) are the hottest. I believe it!

Jim Leslie
04-01-2014, 12:37 AM
Steve: I did see that and could not wrap my head around the need to run it for 11 minutes more after using it. In the same thread seems most don't. But it was really the thermal overload issue I was really concerned about and if you never experienced one, that makes me feel better! Having it shutdown in the middle of something going round and round is far too exciting for me. :)

Scott: mine is the rotary vane version and runs hot like that too. Even after 5 minutes or so run time I would not want to hold on to it for more than a couple seconds too. Looks like it is a normal thing and given the bulletproof reputation they have, I am starting to think it is nothing to be concerned about.

Dick Mahany
04-01-2014, 8:32 AM
Gast 0523, 1/4 HP user here. Ditto the comments above as it does run hot. I use it for chucking and also with a chamber for stabilizing, where it can easily run for over an hour. Never had it shutdown in 6 years of use. It is an excellent pump.

Jim Leslie
04-01-2014, 10:40 AM
Dick - This confirms everything I have heard about the Gast. If it doesn't kick into thermal overload after an hour, I won't worry!