View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments

Dennis Peacock
03-31-2014, 9:19 AM
31 Mar 2014

Good Morning Everyone,
This past weekend was the LOML's birthday and we had various planned activities for her from Friday through Sunday. So my weekend was making sure that we all participated in the birthday celebration and to shower her with lots of family, love, and laughter. I'm happy to say that we were totally successful. :)

Got the floor plan and dimensions done for the mother-in-laws addition to our house. Her house has now sold and buyer approved. We will begin construction in the next month or so. I guess this is one of those things that I'm both looking forward to because of many reasons (I do like building) and I also dread because of all the headaches that a project like this brings.

Back to the grindstone today....so what did YOU do this past weekend??

Best of weeks to you all.

Matt Meiser
03-31-2014, 10:50 AM
I was finally able to finish digging for some drainage work by my shop. All but a small area about 1' long was thawed so I just use a masonry bit and drilled enough holes until I could break it up. 2 more snow piles were gone so I was able to clean up the stone that got pushed off the drive in those areas. The big pile that has been there since December 14 I used the tractor and spread it out on an area of the driveway. The one remaining drift in the yard that's been there since December 30 is slowly melting. With any luck after today we could finally be snow-free. Also made changes to our network to just use the basic features of Frontier's router/modem and eliminated my pfSense router which I won't be able to use when we get our cable install completed as their "media gateway" has a router that can't be shut off or bridged from what I can find. That's scheduled for a week from Wednesday because they are still doing some network testing/troubleshooting but a couple people at the cable company are working to try to get me running mid-late week so we can cancel other services before the next billing cycles.

steven taggart
03-31-2014, 5:51 PM
Found and loaded about a thousand BF of pine barnwood. Now about three thousand nails to pull to get it to stack flat.

Brett Robson
03-31-2014, 6:21 PM
I started work on the upper case of a piece of furniture. That was about the only thing of interest I accomplished, although the weather was nice, which allowed for some time on the motorcycle.


Garth Almgren
03-31-2014, 8:32 PM
More general cleaning, unpacking, and organizing of the shop.
Knocked together a couple adjustable legs for my loooong table saw fence rails.
Cleaned and waxed all the cast iron I could reach.
Found a nice piece of plywood the previous owner left behind and started making a crosscut sled. Got the guide rails glued and screwed, now I just need to make the fence and front support.
Realized that I probably need a new general-purpose bandsaw blade - the one that is on there now was there when I got the bandsaw from my great uncle several years ago, and can barely cut a 2x4 anymore. Pretty sad.
Also realized that I need to get pulleys that fit the 1/2" accu-link belt I got a few weeks ago for the table saw - I know that the link belts tend to ride high in the groove, but it's riding so high that I can't raise the blade all the way without rubbing the belt on the underside of the table. Old belt was probably 3/8". Anyone have an opinion on In-Line Industries' machined steel pulleys (http://in-lineindustries.com/products/accu-link-belt/)?

Outside the shop, I found the shutoff for the yard hose bibs and the sprinkler system, got it all turned on and purged the air out of the system. Luckily, only two sprinkler heads (out of a few dozen) are cracked. :) Not that I need a sprinkler system right now with all the rain we've been getting...

John Sanford
04-01-2014, 1:26 AM
Made 3 more of my new tool holders, and got my main moto off the Handy Lift and out of the garage, which allowed me to move the lumber for my new workbench off my transmission cart and on to the Handy Lift. Why would I do such a thing? Frees up space. The lift isn't going anywhere, whereas the cart can be moved about.

Shawn Pixley
04-01-2014, 1:44 AM
After physical therapy on Friday, I was pretty sore. We smoked some corned beef to make pastrami for Rubens for Saturday lunch. It turned out great! Saturday I tuned the joinery for a Japanese Lantern I am making. LOML and I went out to dinner on Saturday night. Sunday I finished the outside of the frames while waiting for the rice paper to be delivered. The dogs got long walks in spite of the gale that was blowing. Back to work today and more physical therapy.

David Hostetler
04-01-2014, 10:19 PM
I didn't really have a weekend to speak of. 23 hour shift Friday, 12 on Saturday, and 4 on Sunday... I did manage Sunday to hang my Central Pneumatic 50' self retracting hose reel. I also initially plumbed both compressors together in tandem, but tossed that idea in favor of troubleshooting the problem tool (Impact wrench with very low power output). Oil soaked it, and then ran it out. Something that looked like either protective plastic film or teflon tape spit out of the exhaust of the wrench and after a few seconds all the torque came right back... I am not sure it if was in the gun when I bought it and just worked its way to block things, or maybe I messed up and got some teflon tape free in the system, but whatever it was, the gun and all other pnuematic tools I own are working great...

I still need to secure the line that feeds the reel to the wall / ceiling. But that is just a matter of some clips and drywall anchors...

If you are interested, the blog writeup is at http://daves-workshop.blogspot.com/2014/04/the-reely-big-issue-taken-care-of-mostly.html

I am taking tomorrow off to rest some. Might get out to the shop and do some cleaning. I also have a false drawer front I need to make for a friend of mine. Been dragging my feet on that one...