View Full Version : Bug Holes in green maple

Trevor Mills
03-28-2014, 2:49 PM
Hi All,
Recently rough turned a batch of green maple and just noticed worm holes in one of the blanks.
It only seems to be an issue with one piece, at least so far, and it's too big for the microwave but I could probably make room in my freezer. Is freezing green wood a good idea? Would a DNA bath help? Will they spread to the other blanks? Should I finish turn the bowl now and let it warp?

look forward to your input and opinions,

Leo Van Der Loo
03-28-2014, 3:13 PM
Hi All,
Recently rough turned a batch of green maple and just noticed worm holes in one of the blanks.
It only seems to be an issue with one piece, at least so far, and it's too big for the microwave but I could probably make room in my freezer. Is freezing green wood a good idea? Would a DNA bath help? Will they spread to the other blanks? Should I finish turn the bowl now and let it warp?

look forward to your input and opinions,

It gets 40 below up here every year, doesn't do away with the wood borers/bugs, though naptha, gasoline, diesel fuel etc will kill them if you can get to contact the bugs with it, alcohol should also do it, though to expensive for me to use that HTH :-))

Use any of this outside, to dangerous to use in or near the house.

Harry Robinette
03-28-2014, 8:19 PM
I used a small squirt bottle ( nasal spray) and alcohol to fill the holes in some wormy cherry seamed to work.
Filled to the top one hole at a time and let set,a little slow but seams to work on worms.

Scott T Smith
04-01-2014, 12:35 AM
Those appear to be powder post beetle holes, and heat sterilization at 133f or greater is the typical means to eradicate them. Their gestation cycle is 2 years, so odds are that they reinfected the wood. I would suggest getting it out of your shop.

Trevor Mills
04-01-2014, 6:00 AM
Thanks Scott, that's exactly what they are. I have a fair amount of this lumber and without a kiln to kill them with heat, I wonder about other options. Fumigation chamber at a pest control operation? Would soaking them in a DNA bath do any good? Will get the wood out of the shop until I find a solution.
Thanks again,