View Full Version : Unable to edit bitmap from within Corel Draw

Nicolas Silva
03-23-2014, 9:04 AM
Hello. For some reason the "EDIT BITMAP" selection has gone grey within Corel Draw X5 and I can no longer bring up Paint.
Anyone have any ideas what might have done this? Or more importantly how to fix it. Thanks in advance.

Walt Langhans
03-23-2014, 9:26 AM
No clue how to fix that. However, CorelDraw has it's own official forum and it's active 24/7 and I'm sure someone there will be able to help.

Michael Hunter
03-23-2014, 9:52 AM
If the bitmap is grouped with a vector object, then "Edit Bitmap" is greyed out.
Sometimes a bitmap imported from another program comes in with a vector outline (no thickness - invisible).
Have a look in Wireframe view to see if there is anything attached to the bitmap.
(This has caught me a few times).

Mitchell Tutty
03-23-2014, 5:58 PM
I used to get that problem quite often, is it from an image that is copy and pasted into corel?
Never copy and paste an image into corel, always import! I've had troubles with my laser finding hidden vectors and all sorts of things like that.

Richard Rumancik
03-25-2014, 10:40 AM
CorelDraw allows the option of using a different bitmap editor than Photo Paint. Maybe CorelDraw has lost the association completely so it does not know what to open. Search on "associate PhotoPaint CorelDraw" or similar and you may find an instruction. eg http://coreldraw.com/forums/t/16023.aspx (which I have not checked out).

It is NOT a Windows file association.